Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] until [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So Intelsat 6 is stuck in a uselessly low orbit until a space shuttle can be persuaded to collect it , or until it falls down .
2 In this case , the researcher decides how many of each category of person should be included in the sample , but then , instead of selecting them at random from a sampling frame , the researcher goes out looking for the right number of people in each category until the quota is filled .
3 ‘ But stay off that bike until the shoulder 's properly healed . ’
4 The feeling for the good player who tends to have an aggravating fade with tee shots , is one of turning in the backswing and then almost trying to sit on the right foot until the moment of impact , the club getting there before the body unwinds .
5 Gradually add the icing sugar , a little at a time , beating well with each addition until the mixture holds its shape .
6 After an hour or so of this the group swam slowly and steadily away in a north-easterly direction along the Boston deeps , and they were watched following this course until the light failed .
7 The motor eventually reaches a maximum operating speed , which , as in the open-loop case , is dictated by the motor and load torque/speed characteristics , and continues to run at this speed until the target position is approached .
8 It would seem that this apparition became a regular occurrence to such an extent that the coachman who operated a public conveyance until the opening of the railway to Kyle of Lochalsh would only run in daylight .
9 It is usual to advise against further sexual intercourse until the treatment is finished .
10 Don King was famous for swimming one-armed into the most critical positions , taking his shots , then melting away into another dimension until the danger had passed .
11 It 's the first major plastic slope in the country , and is on the site of ski area that used to offer reliable snowcover until the greenhouse effect got to work .
12 A direct descent to Wharfe can be made , as indicated by the dotted line on the map , by walking west from the column to the edge of the escarpment and following this south until a breach occurs to permit a passage down the slope to a path that joins White Stone Lane near the hamlet .
13 From this period until the reign of Constantine the emperor and his mature male subjects were almost invariably bearded .
14 When his patron ceased to be Parliament 's lord admiral , with the passage of the self-denying ordinance in 1645 , Jessop stayed on as secretary to the Admiralty commissioners , holding this post until the demise of the Rump Parliament in 1653 .
15 A nurse must remain with the patient to ensure a clear airway until the patient is conscious and the cough reflex has returned .
16 It read , simply : ‘ Motorway route confirmed ; no public announcement until the House reassembles in the middle of the month . ’
17 Although Smith 's contemporaries held him in high regard for his remarkable administrative skill and consummate powers of conciliation , few had any understanding of his real scientific achievement until the Academy 's prize brought him posthumous international recognition .
18 We had problems that last year with bits of this assignment until the mailing went out and then , you know , the video cassette , the specimen cassette was available but perhaps if it had been a couple of weeks earlier it would have been better .
19 Stir with a wooden spoon until the cheese is quite melted .
20 Intraperitoneal bile leakage only occurred early in the study , when it was our policy to spigot the drainage catheter after 48 hours , rather than maintain free drainage until a tract to the skin had formed .
21 Static stretching involves slow , continual movement until the person is at the limit of his stretch .
22 The following documents , which are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office of the Company on any weekday ( Saturdays and public holidays excluded ) from the date of this Notice until the date of the Annual General Meeting , will also be available for inspection at the place of the Annual General Meeting from 12.30 pm on the day of the Meeting until the conclusion of the Meeting :
23 A statement of directors ' share transactions and copies of their service contracts are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office from the date of this notice until the date of the annual general meeting and will be available at the place of the meeting for fifteen minutes prior to and during the meeting .
24 Copies of contracts of service ( unless expiring or determinable by the employing company without payment of compensation within one year ) of any Director of the Company with the Company or any of its subsidiaries will be available for the inspection by members at the registered office of the Company during usual business hours on any week day ( Saturday excepted ) from the date of this notice until the date of the Annual General Meeting and on the day of the Meeting at Hotel Conrad for 15 minutes prior to and until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting .
25 Continue this sequence until the pulse beats without help , stopping when the pulse starts strongly .
26 Built to house the personal treasure of Edward III , it continued in this role until the death of Henry VIII .
27 There 'll nobody get out of the town by this road until the king 's officers have passed . ’
28 For the next few weeks the male passes food for his entire family through this hole until the female breaks the wall down and leaves the hole to help him collect the increasing quantity of food demanded by the growing chicks .
29 The ends can be shaped and the whole thing cleaned up , but leave the top edge until the jointing is complete .
30 There was no response and the meeting continued on another tack until a man came from the back of the room with a story about how he had , in the pitch black night , walked straight into a lamp post on his way home the night before : hence the severe head pains .
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