Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] aim at the " in BNC.

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1 World War II brought many new urgent needs such as anti-malarials , antiseptics and in particular participation in secret inter-allied research aimed at the synthesis of penicillin .
2 Yoghurt Muesli is a unique product with a crisp bite aimed at the many consumers who eat yoghurt with muesli .
3 The operator will keep this beam aimed at the target while the missile , which has sensitive detectors at its back end , will steer down the centre of the beam .
4 It is quite a different matter to produce a weekly or daily paper aimed at the widest possible audience , with the aim of informing it about national and local , as well as African and international , news .
5 The criticisms will be studied closely by the Home Office , which has overseen an increase in British legislation aimed at the seizure of financial gains from crime , particularly drugs and terrorism .
6 It is northing more than another attack aimed at the trade unions under the government 's Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill , and takes absolutely no account of the additional hardship it will impose on our members .
7 Two years ago the group won the go-ahead for a different scheme aimed at the banking and financial sectors , but the crash and oversupply in the City market forced a rethink .
8 In the Western media the University unrest was given prominent and extensive coverage , although it appeared to amount to little more than a mass bout of bottle throwing , which was nevertheless an act of political defiance aimed at the country 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping , whose last name was a homonym for the words " little bottle " .
9 Following its announcement earlier this year of a version of its FM-Towns multimedia personal computer aimed at the fireside market for connection to the family television , Fujitsu Ltd has established an in-house Multimedia Project Promotion division , drawing in researchers from its Research Laboratory as well as staff from its systems and sales divisions : Fujitsu cites figures from Dataquest forecasting growth in the world 's multimedia market at an average of 31.6% annually over the next four years and says it is ready to exploit its strengths in multimedia base technologies such as its Subaru computer graphics system and signal processing chips for high definition television , as well as user interfaces based on virtual reality , in the development of multimedia point-of-sale systems , software and automatic teller machines .
10 Thirdly , the Labour party 's support for the social action programme of the social charter and for a minimum wage represents a political double-barrelled shotgun aimed at the working population , particularly those in lower-paid jobs .
11 ‘ A Satanic conspiracy aimed at the total destruction of all that is good , pure and true ? ’
12 Skill is a functional concept aimed at the understanding of how it is done without recourse to the detail of underlying physiological mechanisms .
13 The 1992 programme aims at the improvement of resource allocation in the Community through the removal of barriers to the movement of goods , services , capital and labour .
14 For example , any technique aimed at the throat , or applied to the joints , groin , or instep , will merit a penalty .
15 Western statesmen have accused the USSR of intending to turn this country into a forward military base aimed at the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean .
16 In an interview for L'Humanité published on 5 April Karmal rejected ‘ any plan aimed at the adoption of decisions in our stead ’ , including efforts ‘ to bind us to a so-called ‘ neutralisation ’ , which represents in fact only one of the forms of neo-colonialism ’ .
17 If , as the psychodynamic school believes , obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem , it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body , and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated , similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with ‘ symptoms ’ , leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew .
18 Even where he does show an interest in ‘ education ’ it is , as we have seen , only as a preventive device aimed at the public at large .
19 Practitioners and managers of health and welfare services experience regular organizational change aimed at the ‘ improvement ’ of services .
20 They want to replace ineffective reaction to the symptoms of trouble with positive action aimed at the roots of the problem .
21 The Authority , which has recently renamed itself AEA Technology in an attempt to market its skills in the private sector , is launching an intense campaign aimed at the government , the Labour Party and respective energy advisers .
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