Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a specific [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We might , for example , find that in a particular residential area there are unexpectedly large numbers of households with ‘ lodgers ’ and so we might want to add this as a specific category in the household composition ; or we might find that on an attitude question views are rather more extreme than we had anticipated and so a new response category could be usefully put in to save us noting responses under ‘ Others , specify … ’ in many cases .
2 The Ford Foundation was interested in a specific agenda in funding philanthropically inclined research into urban crisis in the USA in the late 1950s and early 1960s .
3 For non-phobic clients , homework tasks might include being more assertive in a specific situation at work , involvement in a relaxing leisure activity , or cutting down on prescribed tranquillizers .
4 The prosecution must prove that the defendant is guilty of a specific offence .
5 The problem is to explain how individuals come to identify their interest with that of a specific group , and why different societies tend to divide into groups along different lines , according to economic class , religion , race , etc .
6 Moreover , the Conservatives won the election of 1979 with a specific commitment not to manage the economy on the basis of short-run considerations alone , and they won again in 1983 without creating a mini boom and with over 3 million unemployed which surely confounds a thesis which suggests that economic good times are the major route to electoral success .
7 Agonists are substances which are so similar to a specific neurotransmitter they can occupy that neurotransmitter 's receptor perfectly .
8 The cheque is made payable to a specific person .
9 Overseas debtors and any others over 90 days to be held in escrow or subject to a specific warranty .
10 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
11 A Northwest spokesman in St Paul , Mr Douglas Miller , said that the latest threat was unusual as a specific flight and day had been mentioned by the caller , who warned of reprisals for the jailing of two Palestinians for a series of bombings .
12 She knew she 'd be happier with a specific task to take her mind off things rather than just sitting about waiting for whatever might happen next , even if it was only the passing of time .
13 it may well be that you 'll say well , we want to put these in a specific order
14 On the production side all functions have been streamlined , each with a specific remit .
15 Paisley rejoined the Stormont Castle talks on Sept. 18 for a specific discussion on the Articles .
16 Water temperature : Not very fussy about a specific temperature , but the optimum range is 70°–74°F .
17 The sweet potatoes are all of a specific variety , namely TIB 1 , which is the product of breeding work carried out at IITA in Nigeria in the 1970s .
18 If someone asks ‘ How much of X do we have in stock ? ’ they want to know how many of a specific item there are on the premises — both on the shop floor and in the warehouse or storeroom .
19 ‘ It is assumed that scientific knowledge grows in a series of discrete steps , each corresponding with a specific advance which can be precisely located in time ’ .
20 This was tested using the same unseen banking document , and again gave a significant result , which suggested that collocation information compiled from a general corpus could be effective within a specific domain .
21 Electro-acupuncture is a recent development in which the balancing of the energy flow is achieved by passing a weak electric current at a specific frequency — often 2.5 , 10 or 80 pulses per second ( Hertz or Hz ) through the indicated acupuncture points .
22 First , the winning of civil rights during and after the eighteenth century : in a number of important cases the courts developed the doctrine that the individual was free to do anything which was not made unlawful by a specific law ; and the corollary of this approach was that the state could not interfere with the civil and political liberties of its citizens ( in those days ‘ subjects ’ ) unless the government could persuade Parliament to pass legislation authorising the interference .
23 Each target is attempted five times in Figure 4.10 within a specific time period , usually a week .
24 As will be seen from the six volumes produced so far and — no doubt — their successors , many ( not all ) of the winning entrants use econometrics to establish that advertising is responsible for a specific sales effect ( or part of it ) .
25 Each is responsible for a specific set of modules and associated field .
26 Each one may be made responsible for a specific task .
27 From the preface it also appears that the design of the book is to assist the reader who is concerned with a specific problem and who ‘ has read carefully and understood ( so far as the draftsmanship will permit him to understand ) the clause on which he requires guidance .
28 This test is concerned with a specific aspect of linguistic ability and does not provide either standardised or age equivalent scores .
29 And as , in this case , we are not concerned with a specific track , there is no requirement to get back onto the original QDM .
30 The study of the survival of those with a specific disease is important because survival rates combined with incidence rates determine the prevalence rate .
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