Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] live [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This fatal triad — incompetence , secrecy and bureaucratic squabbling — added to the fears of those who lived within reach of the disaster 's effects .
2 There were a few people who had private laboratories , and who were like Lavoisier amateurs of fully professional competence ; and there were those who lived by consultancy .
3 To ignore those who live at home is unacceptable ; it runs counter to a general sense of social responsibility .
4 And it 's along these power lines from God the Holy Spirit that comes the power which gives light to those who live in darkness .
5 To open the eyes of the blind to free captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon ’
6 The conduct of the nation means nothing to those who live in day huts .
7 For most people in the developing world , however , or for those who live in poverty or are low in the hierarchy in the developed world , their chronic stress of powerlessness exceeds their resources and their ability to exert control .
8 There is little traffic on them during the dark hours at present , but if the lines are to be used by freight trains — some of them a mile long trundling through the night and causing heavy vibration and noise , there will be a dramatic effect on the environment and quality of life of those who live in proximity to them .
9 At first they lived in hope , I think , they were willing Hamilton to be wrong , they needed it to be their man .
10 Unlike dose who live in Poverty .
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