Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] in [art] direction " in BNC.

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1 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
2 Mr Grigson , is that moving in the direction which you wished to get an answer to your question ?
3 As I helped myself to a drop of Taff 's tea the guns down by the River Orne opened up again , the shells all heading in the direction of the German positions .
4 They all shrink in the direction of the diameter of the circle — the vertical direction if you 're standing on the Earth .
5 They were now all waving in the direction indicated by Rafiq .
6 We shall see ever more frantic gesticulating in the direction of Finchley , Dulwich or the American lecture circuit as the election approaches .
7 The Tindemans Report ( 1976 ) recommended a gradual approach towards EMU , and suggested that the countries able to proceed in the direction of monetary union should do so , and others should follow suit later when conditions became more favourable .
8 Several heads were raised , and one or two swivelled in the direction of the doors ; the usher saw this , and started to hustle the army man away .
9 Lawyers with a keen sense of the value of good political connections for their own professional careers were often very ready to fly in the direction of the politicians who were seen to have power .
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