Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the [adj] step " in BNC.

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1 Effectively , every time the client takes another step on the ladder this becomes the bottom step , only approximately ten units of anxiety off the ground .
2 No one was willing to take the next step .
3 Indeed , the signs are that while the politicians and the bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print , young people are ready and willing to take the next step into Europe .
4 When Peter the Great took the final step of proclaiming himself Emperor in 1721 he discarded the jewelled cap in which he and his brother Ivan had originally been crowned in 1682 .
5 Even though workers are prepared to accept a general reduction in the level of real wages , they are unwilling to take the first step of accepting money wage cuts in case other workers with whom they regard themselves as comparable fail to follow suit .
6 For four weeks I let it lie on my desk , unwilling to take the final step .
7 We might thus be able to provide the first step in assisting a school to maximise any award which it receives .
8 Then she was able to take the mental step that brought her out into the light again .
9 ‘ We have to go to New Zealand with the objective of coming back with half a dozen players who will be able to take the final step up next season ’ — JOHN ELLIOTT ( national selector ) on the ‘ B ’ tour .
10 ‘ The sheriff was reluctant to take the final step of formally attributing assault to a caring father who had a moment of aberration when he was driven to distraction by a situation with which he was unable to cope .
11 Rise time is the time taken for the motor to first reach the demanded step position , which is attained with maximum velocity .
12 This is a coloured belt , which signifies that its owner is eligible to take the next step on the rung up the ladder to karate proficiency .
13 If the substrate S can be used for something else , it is clearly efficient to control the first step in the synthesis , S→A , rather than , say , the last one , E→P , because in the latter case E would accumulate .
14 In comparison , 86% of PSC patients , 57% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis , 50% of normal subjects , and well over 60% of patients with ulcerative colitis , Crohn 's disease , alcoholic liver disease , and chronic active hepatitis were positive using the one step immunofluorescent method .
15 But Sebastian had not seemed eager to take the final step .
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