Example sentences of "[verb] happened [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One thing I distinctly remember about watching that kestrel hover happened on a clear blue day when I 'd managed to position myself practically underneath the bird .
2 I mean , two of them seem as if they are referring back to something which has happened since the first two . ’
3 Correspondingly , if , as is t e case , we know only what has happened since the big bang , we could not determine what happened beforehand .
4 The same applies to Ashford , where according to our figures the same has happened for the last three years .
5 First , if the hon. Gentleman considers what has happened over the past two years , to the basic retirement pension , quite apart from income support premiums , he will find that they have risen by 15 per cent .
6 ‘ With everything that has happened over the last couple of years , I just want to stand back a bit and have a couple of weeks to think about it ’ , he said , before later confirming his desire to lead a new-look Scotland in 1992 .
7 What other factors , there 's a big , this fact that we 're missing , alright , rising population , improvements in transport and technology , what else has happened over the last hundred years ?
8 If the right hon. Gentleman examines completely what has happened during the past year with that objective in mind , he will find that not only have we cut inflation , as I have just said , but we have cut interest rates .
9 He is a most welcome supporter of the Bill It would be helpful if I brought the House up to date on what has happened during the past year , so that hon. Members can take recent developments into account when making up their minds if and when they vote later .
10 This is what has happened at the New End Hospital in Hampstead , where the developer , by adopting a conservation scheme , has gained more space than by demolition and rebuilding .
11 We have just noted how local politics in Britain has recently become more diversified , but , as Chapter 4 pointed out , this has happened at the same time as political power has become increasingly centralized .
12 Everything has happened at the last minute , right up against our deadlines , but I am convinced that if we can promote the raffle through the summer magazine it stands every chance of being a great success .
13 As a result , the amendment can not be ‘ talked out ’ as has happened on every previous occasion , but will have to be resolved through a free vote .
14 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
15 However , this has happened to a considerable extent under the banner of the Welsh Office and , although clearly much affected by events in the United Kingdom as a whole , and particularly in England , the Principality now enjoys a measure of devolution in educational matters .
16 But all the gains that we had made out of labour movement , improvements in working time , improvements in health and safety , equality issues , legal rights all went out of the window , and what has happened to the vast majority of those service jobs ?
17 ‘ They know that while he is abroad he can not answer the questions about what has happened to the promised recovery . ’
18 What has happened to the new painters in the meantime ?
19 Whatever has happened to the good old-fashioned values ?
20 What has happened to the real Dorian Gray ?
21 First , we aim to set out what has happened to the total level of spending in the last 12 years .
22 This has happened to the many theorists who thought they had a simple explanation for the confusion of thought which led to the surrender of judgment metaphor .
23 But what has happened to the lyrical central section ?
24 And to understand that change I want to go back to the beginning and just to trace what has happened to the Chinese Communist Party since it was formed in nineteen twenty one when it had a mere I hope everybody can see that , it 's not very large today and I do n't think I can any better than that In nineteen twenty one when it was first founded , it had a mere fifty seven members and it did n't grow very much for a number of years .
25 What has happened to the stalwart Dutch realist ?
26 Now the accountancy firm Coopers & Lybrand has started a full-scale inquiry to try to discover what has happened to the missing millions .
27 The daunting confines of the Crucible Theatre have been known to make strong men tremble over the simplest of pots , but after what has happened to the unassuming Thai in recent weeks , it will be a shock of seismic proportions if the occasion affects him — even on his debut .
28 What has happened to the British press ?
29 This has happened to an appreciable extent .
30 And it is true that , I mean , well , you know , I 've spent a lot of time reviving typefaces that are not around , I mean , you know , propping them up , creating a waxed edition , sort of Madam Tussauds version of Lucien or something , but it 's very interesting — there is not , in type development terms , there is n't a whole lot that has happened after the Second World War that really turns me on .
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