Example sentences of "[verb] led to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As was noted in the previous chapter , the drive towards increased efficiency has led to the wholesale substitution of capital for labour in agriculture .
2 Similarly , the Gracious Speech is an apology for the privatisation process that has taken place , because it has led to the wholesale transfer of monopolies from the public to the private sector without serious competition , or adequate regulation to replace competition where it could not exist .
3 The EC guideline is 26 ppb. * Greater use of catalytic converters in the Netherlands has led to the first ever recorded drop in Nox concentrations .
4 On the other hand , she finds it difficult to take much interest in financial control , which means that there are sometimes errors in bills , and her unwillingness to ask walk-in guests for a deposit has led to the occasional bad debt .
5 The consequence of these two strands of Government mismanagement of the economy has led to the appalling problem of homelessness , evictions , marriage breakdown and the human misery associated with the scandalous mismanagement of housing policy by the Government .
6 Commencing in the sixteenth century , the intervention of successive parliaments has led to the present-day role of the district audit .
7 The interpretation of these patterns has led to the following significant observations :
8 The reason for the rise in output is the familiar one : the unexpectedly high level of aggregate demand has led to the typical supplier observing an unexpectedly high price .
9 This has led to the legitimate graphic device of breaking the further line as it passes behind the near line .
10 We will establish a new independent transport safety inspectorate within the health and safety legislation to improve the safety environment which has led to the terrible tragedies of recent years .
11 The development of the in-can system that has led to the successful introduction of Canned Draught Guinness and Guinness Draught Bitter is a fine example of how the application of technology and innovation can produce outstanding results .
12 Unfortunately , the high cost of this labour-intensive and time-consuming method has led to the wide use of volatile solvents such as petroleum ether , hexane and benzene as a means for capturing essences of certain flowers — yet the enfleurage process gives a higher yield .
13 This has led to the current move towards networked organisations .
14 However , its involvement in the conflict in Nicaragua , acting as the main host country to the Contras , has attracted a good deal of US aid and military personnel and has led to the increasing militarization of society .
15 This view of the body as a machine and little more has led to the increasing use of pharmaceutical drugs to counteract symptoms and to increasingly sophisticated surgical techniques to remove and replace diseased tissues and organs .
16 Certainly there have been cases after Alladice , including the one in which these remarks were made , where infraction of the rules has led to the resultant evidence being declared inadmissible .
17 In some cases this has led to the complete break up of production lines into autonomous circuits , each operated by teams of employees using their skills on a shared or flexible basis .
18 He has been one of the very few Serbs to have the courage to speak out against the kind of fanatical Serbian nationalism which has led to the present war .
19 ‘ Preoccupation with Cd values has led to the boring shapes we have become all too familiar with . ’
20 The absence of a written constitution similar to that of the United States and other nations has led to the British Constitution being described as unwritten , but such a description is misleading .
21 It is precisely that type of distortion — misleading and alarming people — that has led to the public reaction .
22 One has led to the written constitution , but it has also led to revolution and at times tyranny .
23 But the present argument has led to the opposite conclusion ; when we reach agreement , by public tests , on what is objectively so — which includes how we do respond when we see the situation as it is — the debate is over .
24 Has this led to the existence of " overseas dialects " of the Caribbean Creoles , in the same way that migration has led to the American , Canadian , Australian and other overseas dialects of English ?
25 It is such loose , flaccid and irresponsible thinking which has led to the widespread use of the offensive term ’ joyriding ’ .
26 Meanwhile , success over the last year has led to the 16th Century Six Bells Inn at Bardwell , near Bury , adding three bedrooms .
27 Incidentally , and irrelevantly for present purposes , that reasoning has led to the well-established conclusion that a child en ventre sa mère at a testator 's death but later born alive may rank as a life in being for the purposes of the rule against perpetuities , which is a rule of public policy under English law : see Long v. Blackhall ( 1797 ) 7 Durn. & E. 100 .
28 A leading authority on corporatism has identified the following elements in modern capitalism as having led to the gradual displacement of pluralism by ‘ societal corporatism ’ : .
29 The route to this intermediate target may be quite different from the route that would have led to the ultimate target .
30 At club level , his persistent niggling paid off , but at international level , it often acted as a destabilising influence , and may well have led to the premature departure of Willie Ormond as the national team manager .
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