Example sentences of "[verb] paid for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In particular it has paid for a text telephone — or ‘ minicom ’ — for the delivery suite .
2 If we assume that the customer has paid for the goods then the first entries would have been to increase the bank by £600 and include in the profit and 1088 account sales of £600 .
3 Airtours will not say how much it has paid for the leases , though it claims to have secured good terms because of the uncertain travel market .
4 Now the Fondazione Memmo has paid for the sculptures to be cleaned and they are on display in the Palazzo Ruspoli , Rome , until 30 April .
5 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
6 It really went to show that God was good ; when you 'd paid for the things you did and you were really sorry , He gave you something good to make it up to you .
7 And he could n't do it , because , the pair of them , I mean , that was , that business was supporting his mother as well and between them , after they 'd paid for the petrol , they were taking in less than a hundred pounds a week and that was for the two of them .
8 THE predicted overspend on the new British Library would have paid for a £1 million public library for every UK local authority , leaving over £100 million for an extension to the British Museum Reading Room with a new underground storage area — which was what everyone wanted in the first place .
9 Even though that share seemed to fall over time , as claims were settled , the $170m insurers spent in such unproductive ways in 1989 alone would have paid for the treatment of 15 sites .
10 The middle classes would serve sour cheap wine but exotic foods and the band would eat whatever the guests ate , but not for long : the hosts having paid for the band to play , not to eat .
11 As a result , solicitors argue that managers should not take commission on what the artist is being paid each night , but on the money the band earns as profit after having paid for the PA , lights , accommodation and other expenses .
12 This is much cheaper when done by housewives in nuclear families than any other way , since these women do not get paid for the work , obtaining only their maintenance .
13 if they do n't turn up they do n't get paid for the Christmas and Boxing Day .
14 Churches which escaped are likely to have paid for the privilege : the raiders had threatened to destroy Christ Church in 994 unless they were given a sum promised them by Archbishop Sigeric .
15 If it can not be proved wrong , then the scientist will conclude that there is a causal law in operation , and will advise farmers , who are likely to have paid for the research , of this .
16 But when I 've paid for a newspaper I expect all the pieces that I 've paid for .
17 Well , you 'll just have to tell them that it 's missing but when I 've paid for a newspaper I expect to get all the pieces that I 've paid for and I 've already paid for mine , so this I 'll take .
18 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
19 Why it is , it 's very , very , very wrong , say we pay all year round for that , I 've paid for a year for my ticket
20 I 've missed the one in January now and I think , oh , I 've paid for a year but
21 ‘ Well , you know what my mother 's always saying : everything in life has to be paid for , and you 've paid for the happiness that 's going to be yours in the future .
22 Alice said , " We 've paid for the gas boiler , for a lot of cable , for tools , for wood , for glass . "
23 You lose the money you 've paid for the site !
24 On this occasion the Duke of Bedford , who had paid for a statue of Bunyan to be erected in the town , recollected how Pilgrim 's Progress had been the first book given to him as a child .
25 Jordanian and Iraqi embassy officials told Customs investigators that Iraq had paid for the guns as a ‘ gift for Jordan ’ .
26 The car was not ready by that date , so the defendant bought another car elsewhere and claimed back the price he had paid for the chassis .
27 Mr Edward Morris wanted several pairs of boots to be soled and heeled and what 's more he had paid for the work in advance .
28 It left open the question of whose money had paid for the House of Fraser but made clear that nothing in the career of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed could account for such new-found wealth .
29 He got paid for the work that erm
30 But I know you said there was a big erm tariff against it , but on the other hand they do get a lot of more benefits from it , like er well , the erm the price that 's paid for a lot more , and , and it gives a lot more employment .
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