Example sentences of "[verb] myself up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am always happy to work myself up into a great cultural stew , given half the chance .
2 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
3 The fact that I can take pleasure in each day as it comes , that I do n't churn myself up into a state of hyperactive neuroticism ? ’
4 Pushing myself up off the wet ground , I brushed the twigs and earth off my trousers while I checked my pockets .
5 This deed somehow necessitated a second manoeuvre , that of picking myself up off the floor .
6 ‘ I do n't want to make a big thing about holing myself up in the middle of nowhere , but people are asking me where I 've been and I ca n't really say I 've been touring the Far East or helping Bob ( we think he means Dylan — Ed ) with his album .
7 What am I doing , tangling myself up with a girl at a time like this ?
8 Before dawn , I was in the sleeping-bag , propping myself up on an elbow , Bible in one hand , torch in the other , flicking the beam periodically to the right of my legs , where the small aluminium pan and stove were struggling to boil water for tea .
9 Sometimes I resent having to truss myself up like a stuffed chicken .
10 I crossed behind her , and seized a pair of steps , used to reach the higher shelves ; I dragged the steps to the middle of the room , climbed them , swung myself up through the skylight by which the monster had entered .
11 I even hoped the Germans would overrun our positions and so allow me to give myself up as a prisoner .
12 ‘ … My whole being was , with eyes closed to every object of present sense , to crumple myself up in a sunny corner , and read , read , read . ’
13 I dolled myself up after the bath .
14 Another goal I thought was certain was Wallace 's solo run on the keeper ( I was the one hoisting myself up on the terrace barrier screaming as it happened ) coming in on his right .
15 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
16 I pull myself up to a sitting position .
17 I 'm not setting myself up as a model for anyone .
18 Nor do I feel like setting myself up as an Aunt Sally just waiting for all those girls to throw themselves at me in the attempt to knock me off my perch ! ’
19 I put weight on my hands and tried to push myself up off the floor .
20 I got out of bed gah ! — and then picked myself up off the floor .
21 On this occasion I wrapped myself up in a blanket and went to sleep in a ditch .
22 I had enough breath left to shout that they should be ashamed of themselves , spitting out the dirt from my mouth , and working myself up into a state of high , excited indignation .
23 I went on , telling him how pitiful her situation was , if he would only go and see he would understand , and how I felt it my duty to do what I could , working myself up into a noble sweat of righteousness .
24 I perfected the technique of entering my bedsit without anyone hearing me or noticing me , but eventually it became impossible to stay there ad infinitum without paying my rent , so I took all my military kit and some clothes and set myself up in the changing room at the barracks .
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