Example sentences of "[verb] recently been [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 One of the duke 's groundsmen advised me to reconnoitre a nearby converted abbey which has recently been turned into a hotel .
2 Open Access , previously a massive single integrated package has recently been stripped into modules along the same lines .
3 A large amount of the surrounding land has recently been made into a golf course .
4 This house has recently been converted into a home for the handicapped .
5 It is the oldest place of worship in Madeira and has recently been converted into a small museum .
6 Cashline has recently been expanded into new areas of operation , including airports , shopping centres , supermarkets and petrol stations .
7 The idea of a ‘ period room ’ has recently been called into question .
8 Several of these settlements had recently been united into a single city called Jahanpanah ( The Refuge of the World ) by a great loop of wall forty miles long .
9 Then , of a sudden , he nodded to himself firmly — and the look around his mouth was almost as arrogant as that of the late Theodore Kemp , who at some time , at some point , had recently been manoeuvred into these selfsame murky , swollen waters .
10 It was originally a farming settlement in Haryana but had recently been absorbed into the Delhi suburbs .
11 The Times of Aug. 20 reported that a battery of 10 Scud-B ballistic missiles , possibly targeted at Riyadh ( the Saudi capital ) , had recently been moved into Kuwait .
12 In the other main cities of Scotland , where most city-centre residents are flat-dwellers , tenements being the predominant residential building type , several other large commercial or industrial buildings have recently been converted into dwelling complexes .
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