Example sentences of "[verb] to come back [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One year I took my family to Spain , where the inhabitants ' behaviour was impeccable , but I had rashly arranged to come back via France .
2 But with profits falling too , share prices still have further to fall to come back into line .
3 Obviously we 're not going to reach agreement on that , but do you want to come back on vacancies .
4 Mr do you want to come back on Mr 's comment about traffic flows ?
5 ‘ Do you want to come back to Florence with me and get some sleep ? ’
6 I did n't want to come back to Stapleford , so I st because they were very offended because I left .
7 and er but he does n't want to come back to England .
8 I do n't think I 'd want to come back to Woking .
9 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
10 Well I do n't mind going by train but I do n't want to come back by train
11 For for come back cause your pram is you do n't want to come back by train because you 're afraid of the steps .
12 I want to come back to Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School , but Strauss was someone you knew personally ?
13 All the children want to come back to England .
14 ‘ I promised to come back before nightfall .
15 The scenario depicted is that decreased hospital stay means that older people ( or indeed patients of any age ) are being sent home with high levels of dependency ; community services/informal carers can not cope and the person has to come back into hospital .
16 AU but one of her cousins was now grown up , her uncle dead , and her aunt had decided to come back to France .
17 I think — I think most of you have decided to come back after lunch , thank you very much ,
18 The best IBMers were sent out in the seventies on secondments , then seen to come back into promotions .
19 Was n't there some talk about Tricia wanting to come back to work ?
20 And er I was informed like that er I I had d stop till six o'clock at night , that night , and I was informed that er I 'd got to come back at night and bring me men .
21 some of them forgot to come back at night .
22 ‘ He 's going to come back to London .
23 Shout , they 'd shout something but er well since we 've been living up here , my mother used to give , the man used to come for the order for the grocery , the baker used to come round , the milk used to come round , they all used to come round at she 'd ha she did n't have go out for heavy loads of stuff to bring in it was all delivered , but when they started some new technique of er of ordering by computer , it 's going to come back to square one again you know , they 'll be delivering stuff in the same jolly old way hey .
24 I 'd like to come back to policy on migration chair , and I 'm grateful to Mr for pointing out that nineteen eighty is thirteen years ag away and things have moved on in every respect demographically .
25 Then as he climbed into the passenger seat he said , ‘ Would you like to come back for coffee ? ’
26 I was n't expecting to come back to England , not for years , maybe never .
27 Though I have been invited to come back to South Africa by friends both black and white , I wonder whether I am making a great mistake .
28 Some members like to come back to Bristol for social events like the Alumni Foundation concerts or the sports reunions which are organised from time to time .
29 The Indian community I was in contact with when I was in Delhi , they like to come back to Kuwait .
30 It never stopped raining , and the plague began to come back into London .
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