Example sentences of "[verb] come from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , three quarters of the fall in total mortality since 1970 has come from a reduction in deaths attributed to diseases of the circulatory system ( figure ) .
2 Funding has come from a variety of sources including the Wolfson Foundation and Charitable Trust , the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London , the British Glass Education Trust and private donations .
3 A CALL for a big shake-up in the structure of the Scottish leagues has come from a shock source .
4 Aid agencies all over the world have tried to ease their situation , but more immediate help has come from a Hereford farmer .
5 The only squeak of protest so far has come from a Law Society spokesman , Mr Jeremy Allen , who is also a Nottingham solicitor : ’ An enormous number of people had had their journeys interrupted and it has caused them concern .
6 The major contribution to informed debate about the search for sites for the disposal of nuclear wastes has come from a group of geographers ( Openshaw et al. 1989 ) and a GIS approach to this problem can pay high dividends .
7 Pressure has come from a number of sources in the economic , political , social and legal environment , and there is survey evidence to demonstrate a growth in the number of consultative committees now in operation .
8 Having come from a country afflicted by the worst drought in recent memory it should have come as no surprise that the Namibians were able to handle the Sicilian heat .
9 The bolts themselves can vary in size , and the example illustrated is quite small , probably having come from a box .
10 We disembark , walking down the rusting ramp over white cockleshell sand and water so clear it could have come from a tap .
11 A court has been told that the idea for an elaborate murder plot , in which a couple were pushed over a cliff in a blazing car , may have come from a film on satellite television .
12 Compound documents of this type are traditionally assembled by layout artists from the various elements which may have come from a typesetting house , design studio , photographer or elsewhere .
13 Leather , so luxurious you find yourself wondering whether it could really have come from a cow , finds its perfect match in glossy burr walnut .
14 A fire blazed in a huge hearth beneath an oak lintel which , to judge by its thickness , must have come from a tree already at least a hundred years old when it was felled to help build this ancient building .
15 His shiny black coat could have come from a labrador and there was a suggestion of terrier in the pointed nose and priced ears , but the long string-like tail and the knock-kneed fore limbs baffled me .
16 Layered bodies of rock , such as might have come from a succession of lava flows , are rare on the Moon , and those observed might be the result of other processes , such as impacts .
17 This might have come from a WEA rally .
18 After a few minutes , his breathing quickened and he started making noises that might have come from a monkey-house at feeding time .
19 This has a total of nine teeth set in three rows , and could well have come from a lock fitted to the door of a villa .
20 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
21 My feet were secured by a length of electric cable which could have come from a table lamp .
22 The angular , and in the case of the three women at the extreme left and right of the Demoiselles , rather ‘ faceted ’ appearance of the figures , and the heavy , chalky highlights found in certain parts of the drapery could well have come from a study of El Greco 's work .
23 It turned out to have come from a machine in a nearby corridor .
24 It may be genuine , but is likely to have come from a bifolium or double sheet .
25 Radar can provide a more direct determination of axial period if there is a feature in the echo that can be inferred to have come from a surface feature on the planet , such as a mountain or a region with a particular composition or texture .
26 I made the choice at random , the sole criterion being that a book had to have come from a library and have a recognisable sign of its origin .
27 The order , put at about £500m , was reported to have come from a group of British fund managers acting through Barclays Bank in London .
28 ‘ Well , master , ’ I neighed , ‘ I 've come from a country on the other side of the world .
29 " I 've come from a bit farther than Chelsea tonight , "
30 And yet because you 've come from a P A Y E background , you feel you 've got to get up in the morning , and go to work .
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