Example sentences of "[verb] herself [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She let herself quietly into the house , and immediately heard the sound of voices coming from the living-room .
2 She levered herself away from the door , crossed to the heavy old sideboard and took out the bottle of whisky and a glass .
3 After delivering 10-year-old William and eight-year-old Harry to Charles on Wednesday night , the princess chose to hide herself away from the world at her family home of Althorp , ready for her worst Christmas ever .
4 Mandy managed to pull herself away from the glasses long enough to roll green eyes at her cousin and wrinkle her freckled nose .
5 At Universal , she found herself painfully opposite the eponymous talking mule in Francis Joins The Wacs ( 1954 ) and as the female lead in Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Cops , ( 1955 ) but had delightful moments in Has Anybody Seen My Gal ? ( 1952 ) singing ‘ The Red Red Robin ’ while bobbing around doing the housework .
6 By this pact Japan ranged herself firmly against the European nations with colonies in East and Southeast Asia .
7 ‘ I love you — naught else matters , ’ she said , moving away and seating herself demurely on the furskin rug in front of the fire .
8 She had been one of the founder members of the Institutional Management Association in Yorkshire and later involved herself additionally in the Hotel & Catering Institute and always kept in contact with the professional association throughout her career .
9 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
10 You did the wise thing , calling a halt when you did , she told herself sharply for the umpteenth time .
11 Is it possible , ’ wondered the earl , appealing deferentially to Prior Robert 's more profound instruction in things holy , ‘ that for some beneficent purpose of her own she may have transferred herself miraculously from the place where she was laid ?
12 And another time ooh another time she went er somebody I tell you they always used to run for my mother when there was trouble and er a woman had hung herself just round the corner to where we lived .
13 This was the only time she allowed herself away from the business of the shop or the house above it .
14 She affiliated herself more with the opposing camp of Impressionism — when a female caller at her studio who hoped to have a portrait done told Walker that she was regarded as having a ‘ Burne-Jones-face ’ Walker replied , ‘ what a damn sickly sort of face to have ! ’ 20 However , despite this aversion and the fact that her own women do not resemble the Pre-Raphaelite type , in her attitude towards her women there is much that is similar .
15 Then she no longer knew or cared how he looked or what he might be feeling , and surrendered herself totally to the sensation of being in his arms .
16 Staring at him in confusion , she hauled herself upright in the bed and pushed the pillow behind her .
17 She did n't know how long it would take for someone with a gun to get into position to fire at her , so she took another deep breath , and threw herself away from the buoy , cutting under the surface as she headed for the opening .
18 Accepting enthusiastically the school 's principles of unsectarianism , coeducation up to the age of eleven , mixing middle- and artisan-class children , and making lessons short and pleasurable , she threw herself wholeheartedly into the teaching until forced to resign through ill health .
19 Robyn threw herself enthusiastically into the struggle , on the radical side naturally .
20 She perched herself uncomfortably on the only chair in the room as he sat down on the bed .
21 Loretta perched herself uncomfortably on the very edge of the jacket .
22 Dr Compton-Burnett ( as Roger Hinks remarked ) contravened the ‘ law of frontality ’ , presenting herself sideways to the camera .
23 She sensed his fear and , perceiving that he had placed this construction upon their encounter , pressed herself closer to the soft protuberance of his cock , touching his balls with her cheeks , one side and then the other , wheedling the while .
24 Diana enjoyed herself enormously at the birthday party not least because it brought her sister down a peg or two .
25 She had spurned the hypocritical cant beloved of politicians and addressed herself directly to the people , showing how well she knew them , telling them what they whispered in their hearts but dared not speak , calling their bluff !
26 She entered her life 's work full of joy at being allowed to give herself wholly to the Lord 's service . "
27 While he went in search of the water , she locked herself furiously in the bathroom to don a baggy navy and white striped T-shirt nightdress , and by the time he returned she was safely hidden underneath the printed white bedspread .
28 Unless a mother divorces herself completely from the essential tasks of child care , handing over her baby to others , her role will keep her in touch with the most basic elements of life !
29 Thoroughly out of sorts now , she turned away to busy herself unnecessarily with the tray — anything to get away from those black , compelling depths .
30 ‘ Mother of God in heaven , ’ Caterina muttered , ‘ I give up , ’ and she swung herself crossly onto the floor .
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