Example sentences of "[verb] herself [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 She has also sketched herself slumped on the floor , with her mother brandishing a syringe and a key .
2 Ruth found herself crouching on the floor , almost fainting ; wondering how she could ever have thought before that Fincara was casting spells .
3 Even as she reassured Emilia once more that her concern was groundless Louisa found herself reflecting on the power of the weak , its hold upon the minds of others .
4 The door closed behind him and Annie found herself sitting on the edge of the bed , her hands between her knees , her eyes on the floor .
5 So when he turned to her casually in the car , and suggested that they call in at his house for some tea before they parted , Folly found herself leaping on the suggestion with almost indecent haste .
6 David picked up the arm and through the rack looking for new ones to put on while Sandra busied herself putting on the sleeves of the ones they had played .
7 As she wiped down the kitchen wall , she could see herself sitting on the half-buried block where she and her Dad used to picnic , watching the —
8 Nausea welled up in her ; she fought it down , forcing herself to concentrate on the road , to hang on until she saw the street sign Chemin de la Tourelle .
9 The bedroom felt cold and as Fred sank to the bed with her still in his arms Carrie closed her eyes and tried not to let herself focus on the small round damp patch on the ceiling above the foot of the bed .
10 She felt herself teetering on the edge .
11 She forced herself to concentrate on the here and now .
12 For a time her emotions stopped her thinking clearly until she forced herself to concentrate on the problem logically .
13 Dragging about her every shred of the detachment she had learned over the years , she forced herself to concentrate on the immediate future .
14 At such moments it was difficult to remain calm , but she forced herself to concentrate on the figures until eventually the task was finished .
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