Example sentences of "[verb] herself [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had not looked deliberately , not wanting to tempt herself with the sight of him .
2 She tried to find herself on the map , but the printed boulevards and blocks writhed whenever she looked up at the street , making new patterns .
3 Enticed by the exotic smells issuing from a nearby many-storeyed building , she crossed the threshold to find herself on the ground floor of a gourmet 's paradise .
4 For a fleeting instant she felt as though she had woken to find herself in the lair of a dangerous wild animal .
5 And when at last she fell asleep it was to find herself in the château , running endlessly through a labyrinth of rooms , searching for something that was always just beyond her reach .
6 The girl was carrying a latchkey ; she let herself into the cabin .
7 She let herself into the kitchen , where young Joe Burns had asked about her .
8 She let herself into the kitchen and sank into a chair before the fire that urgently needed mending .
9 Rita let herself into the house with the Yale .
10 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
11 She let herself into the house , and made herself a cup of tea .
12 There was no one about when she let herself into the house , and thankfully she went quietly up to her room .
13 She let herself into the comfort and glow of the solar to hear her father 's querulous voice complaining , in terms in which surely he himself did not believe : ‘ My mind misdoubts me we have done wrong to have any part in this .
14 When she let herself into the flat , Ralph was waiting in the hall .
15 She frequently had to pinch herself with the absurdity of it all .
16 Did Bonnie enjoy herself in the end ?
17 Dominique uncoils herself from the driving seat and extracts herself elegantly .
18 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
19 Sorrel excelled herself with the meal , although her father never mentioned it .
20 One source said : ‘ It would come as no surprise to find her driving herself to the church .
21 Once again the meeting was a great success ; the Emperor had long conversations with the Prince Consort , Lord Palmerston and the Foreign Secretary , Lord Clarendon , while the Empress devoted herself to the Queen and the royal children .
22 She joined the Community of the Resurrection in 1940 and devoted herself to the training of Primary and Secondary school teachers at Grahamstown Training College .
23 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
24 Alone in the dining room , having eaten the half-grapefruit set in her place by Curtis , she helped herself from the sideboard to fish pie cooked by Mrs Files .
25 Just now ( but this can not last she thought , dissociating herself from the moment while she talked about boots ) just now she had reached security ; she hovered like a hawk suspended ; like a flag floated in an element of joy which filled every nerve of her body fully and sweetly , not noisily , solemnly rather , for it arose , she thought , looking at them all eating there , from husband and children and friends …
26 Then she padded across to a low stool and sat down , surveying herself in the mirror that lined her bathroom walls on two sides .
27 At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report .
28 Pat found herself wondering whether to return to Purley , but decided after all to establish herself in the South West and spread the Medau message by taking up teaching again after her rather brief retirement .
29 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
30 Dawn Allenby , a masochist if ever there was one , should have prostrated herself at the feet of Desmond Fairchild , a sadist in a trilby hat worn with the brim turned up all the way round like vaudeville comic .
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