Example sentences of "[verb] herself [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lucy went through the door to find herself facing a tall , dark-haired woman whose attire breathed sophisticated elegance .
2 Dot was surprised to find herself wearing a large pink woollen nightgown with embroidered collar whose gathered sleeves were so long that her hands were lost .
3 Cassie , who by now was trembling so violently that she could not trust herself to lift the loaded tray , said lightly : ‘ Take the tray , will you , Jenny ?
4 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
5 And secondly , if she did n't see what she thought she was going to see , she would n't trust herself to keep a straight face .
6 Yet she could n't lose herself in the story ; the movements of Luke 's hand as he made lightning sketches , the lazy , sinuous stretching of his legs as he shifted his position impinged upon her concentration , and she found herself reading the same page over and over .
7 Maggie found herself clutching a young man .
8 To her annoyance , Ronni found herself watching the long tanned fingers and remembering with a start how they had felt against her flesh .
9 She found herself envying the easy banter between her cousins and aunt , the argumentative informality of mealtimes , the laughter and bustle and hugs .
10 A hand falling on Ace 's shoulder startled her back to reality , and she found herself facing a dripping Benny .
11 She found herself facing a glass-panelled door , with the luminous dot of a bell set in its frame .
12 She chose left , descended a further long flight and found herself facing a closed door marked ‘ Fire Exit ’ .
13 Choosing a left turn , she soon found herself facing a blank door which might , for all she knew , lead to the cuttings library .
14 Robyn leant against the door to the office and found herself experiencing the old , familiar surge of deep annoyance .
15 But instead , for a dizzying instant , as he wrapped his cloak about her , Isabel found herself savouring a delicious sensation of feeling small and infinitely fragile , enclosed within his arms .
16 Gradually she found herself breathing the clean , laundered smell of his linen shirt , and the warmer , subtler scent of his skin , with a growing and bewildered delight .
17 Numb with agony and humiliation , she got undressed like a ghost and went to bed , unable to let herself dwell too deeply on what had happened in case she found herself asking the inevitable question : if I hate Damian Flint , why has he been able to hurt me so deeply ?
18 Would-be teacher learns to count her blessings AFTER five months teaching English to handicapped children in Poland , a Stokesley teenager has herself learned a valuable lesson to count her blessings .
19 For the moment she busied herself making a fresh pot of tea , while Karen cleared the dirty plates and made room for their toast and marmalade .
20 But there was no way she could bring herself to like the other woman , even though she suspected that , had the circumstances been different , she would have warmed to her immediately .
21 For a moment Louisa could not bring herself to answer the frail smile .
22 Betty Rizzo suggests that Leapor 's metaphor is a sign of her limitations as a poet ; she can not bring herself to write the simple word ‘ mayfly ’ [ Rizzo ] .
23 For a brief moment , she had seen herself raising the tiny silver gun and pulling the trigger , once and then again , the blood appearing like a diseased flower on Lewis 's soiled shirt .
24 But she gripped her hands together to help herself bear the wailing glory of the music which was a lament for all lost and gone , loved things , an expression of a grief she had thought too deep to express .
25 She would love to hear herself called a silly old woman .
26 Robyn turned , forcing herself to ignore the sudden uncontrollable lurch in the pit of her stomach , the slight tremble in her hands that would surely take a hold if she let it .
27 Nell swallowed , slowly held out her hand , forcing herself to touch the obscene body before her , instinctively aware that a gesture of contact would be the most effective way to calm the creature .
28 Jessamy heard herself give a small gasp .
29 She guessed that , whatever had been done to minimise the damage , he 'd have a headache by now , and she could n't stop herself feeling an immediate pang of sympathy .
30 Meanwhile Teresa finds herself learning the hard way how to survive in Africa and she discovers that its beauty is not without danger .
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