Example sentences of "[verb] coming [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Eighties , his particular brand of show-off chic seemed a little over the top when compared to the cool abstractions of the Japanese or the haute-bourgeoise looks coming out of Paris .
2 In one of the most touching passages , he recalled coming up to America on his emigrant ship in 1955 , his father and brother and he standing by the rail , feeling this sense of opportunity , this relief that the bad times were over , that a new world was out there waiting to be conquered .
3 I kept imagining coming up to London to see you .
4 Cocooned in an ivory tower of antique furniture and unfinished jigsaw puzzles , she spends an inordinate amount of time doing simple things like pouring hot water into a teapot ; then she gets on the telephone to her friends and either hangs up just as they reach the receiver or asks them if they would n't mind coming round to tea and picking up some skate from the fishmonger on the way .
5 In our own system over here , we 've had people criticising the shortage of teachers ; would any of you consider coming over to Great Britain to teach ?
6 Well , Sue 's hurt her shoulder cos she was carrying her bag on the train you know coming back from Birmingham .
7 One way and another , it appears that the search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp is not going too well as one after another , the most fancied candidates declare that they are non-runners — so long after their names were first widely canvassed in the press that they leave the strong impression that they have considered or been considered for the job , but after having looked into it , decided that they would n't touch it with a bargepole : latest to declare his belated non-candidacy is former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive John Young , who says he is ‘ definitely not a candidate ’ — ‘ He 's enjoying retirement , ’ said a Hewlett spokeswoman ; all attention is now focussed on the thought-to-be front runners that have n't ruled themselves out — Paul Stern , recently retired chairman and tough manager of Northern Telecom Ltd , who could be planning to repeat his double act at that company with another former IBMer , Edward Lucente , who has also just resigned from Northern Telecom ; the other two whose odds have shortened are George Fisher , chairman and chief executive of Motorola Inc , Morton Myerson , chairman of Perot Systems Corp , and Louis Gerstner , head of RJR Nabisco Co ; industry sources told Reuter that the name of Michael Armstrong keeps coming up within IBM — but he quit only a year ago , and has just taken the top job at Hughes Aircraft Co .
8 The conversation keeps coming back to leg waxing at every quarter of an hour , it 's really funny .
9 At such times a child is required to have a very strong grip on the nature of the ‘ game ’ if she is not to be deceived — or the teacher wisely keeps coming out of role in order to establish the difference for the child .
10 ‘ I remember coming up to Middlesbrough for the final game with Oxford , which Boro won 4–0 , ’ he recalled .
11 I remember coming back from Exercise Jungle King in March 1953 on two engines , the put-put and windscreen wipers and the put-put some time to start that night .
12 And , one of the days she 'll learn the game , I mean that in the nicest sense , the , th th , the game , and when she learns the game she 'll stop coming out with ideas then .
13 ‘ The pressure that they are under to keep coming up with hit songs … for people trying to write just one , that can be difficult .
14 Maybe that very quickly he started coming up with lyrics and that he and I got on well right from the off , Well , not quite from the off .
15 It was around this time that Nick Kent started coming down to rehearsals at Riverside .
16 Then all of a sudden these strange people started coming out of record companies who were involved in the video end of it and deciding this is what we should do with that song and sort of you know these were songs that we had planned and recorded and and all of a sudden these people were changing them .
17 Poland , the first [ country in eastern Europe ] to begin reforms , is the first to start coming out of recession . "
18 The usurper 's army had indeed proceeded on down Annandale , almost certainly to link up with another large Galloway force collected by Sir Walter Comyn and Henry Balliol , Edward 's brother , from their estates in that province , many thousands strong , the reason why Sir Archibald had not risked coming on to Edinburgh .
19 Q : You keep coming back to God and the Devil .
20 ‘ Do you remember that old lady who kept coming in for Roald Dahl , saying he was a woman ? ’ sobbed Denise .
21 The pepper pot analogy kept coming back to Raymond Cusick as he began sketching his ideas down onto paper .
22 Reconciliation means coming back to God and living in harmony with him .
23 And er on the other hand you can get in your car and you can get down to suddenly find they 've got the the road up or E G as we did coming down to York today there 's driving his his er surface lifter down the road and and er you 're stuck in a traffic jam for a wee while er
24 But I think sometimes I mean you 've either got to do what you do coming back from Germany I think you have to take the bull by the horns do n't you ?
25 The problem was they kept coming out as grunts .
26 And she said oh Vicky goes in the afternoons too , d' you fancy coming round for lunch after you drop Oliver off on Wednesday .
27 ‘ You fancy coming down to Bert Midgeley 's with me , dinner time ? ’ he asked Billy .
28 Work coming in from solicitors is allocated among members of the chambers by the clerk , who also negotiates the fee for the brief .
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