Example sentences of "[verb] to say [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In these tests , two lines of obviously different lengths are exhibited for a very short period of time , and the subject has to say whether the right or the left line was the longer .
2 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
3 He presumably wants to say that the idea that there can be a general definition of the economic sphere is a residue of the classical claim that it is defined in terms of some universal trait such as human needs .
4 With it , Nozick can and does find independent support for his theory ; he wants to say that the theory gets things right here .
5 John Bagley , formerly Curator of the Aeronautical Gallery at the Science Museum writes to say that the model now resides there .
6 There is no need here to consider what is capable of amounting to a reasonable excuse , but it suffices to say that the defence is clearly of very limited scope .
7 Here it suffices to say that the aim is to ensure that a company is required to do so when it is thought that the matter is one that the public needs to know .
8 Anger gave her the strength to pack her few belongings and by the time Ellen — red-eyed and in tears — came to say that the conveyance was at the door , there was no sign left that Ruth had ever inhabited the room .
9 He was wondering whether he ought to start going through the clothes at once , or wait for Sergeant Burgess , when an attendant came to say that the sergeant had arrived .
10 A READER from Dromore has written to say that the cathedral in her home town installed a loop system after she ‘ got at ’ the minister and vestry about it .
11 So it will not do to say that the reason why the Government found it necessary to curtail debate on the Bill was that they felt that there would be massive opposition to it .
12 Suffice to say that the opportunity is always there if I want it .
13 After receiving my version of the working drawing , Mr. phoned to say that the drawing did not have sufficient detail , and that another Mr. from the Glasgow office would be in touch to ask for a clarified drawing .
14 I hasten to say that the organisation was a Labour party branch .
15 It is this Greek version of the Hebrew scriptures with which the author of Matthew — who intends to say that the prophecy has been fulfilled — would have been familiar .
16 I , I was just going to say that the county surveyor said that everything comes to this committee before anything else happens , but of course it goes to the press before it comes to this committee and that shows with , with the
17 I would also like to say that the report does mention obligations of other interested er people like er farming groups etc. , and the National Rivers Authority to er do everything possible from stopping the parasite entering the water in the first place .
18 Indeed with involuntary memory as the creative principle , one might almost dare to say that the opposition between poetry and the analytical is removed , because perhaps one of Proust 's greatest achievements as a novelist is the way in which he reveals poetry and imaginative perception as the most appropriate and authentic means by which our human experience can be both understood and recreated for ourselves and for others .
19 I forgot to say that the guerrilla who was pretending to be a madman had let Sis .
20 ‘ We are just at a point if we have anything to say , we really could not , ’ the company told Reuter , but it did say that it had hired Morgan Stanley & Co as its ‘ financial consultant , ’ along with Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette , but declined to say whether the investment banks are underwriters for a stock offering .
21 He declined to say if the Queen had been informed in advance of Dr Runcie 's statement or if she was concerned about its content .
22 She declined to say if the supermarket group had looked at alternative sites in the town .
23 ‘ The cynics are bound to say that the solicitor would have to recover the time spent on an apparently free comprehensive audit by undertaking some recommendations , ’ said .
24 Despite a certain aversion from yet another stirring of recollection I am bound to say that the material of the film is handled with command .
25 But once the contents of these plans got around the rumours died down and people began to say that the family must be coming back . ’
26 The request that you have done me the honour to make , to receive the record of my voice , is one that I cheerfully comply with so far as lies in my power ; though I lament to say that the voice which I transmit to you is only the relic of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained .
27 For if one ignores the relationship between the 's and β , and g , equation ( 4.29 ) seems to say that the level of real output can be raised by an increase in the quantity of money , regardless of whether or not that increase is predictable .
28 Yesterday , just after ten , he rang to say that the bed would n't be available for him after all .
29 This may seem a minor disagreement , but if you were to question me about Panofsky , I would have to say that the disagreement was just the tip of the iceberg .
30 Certainly as far as South Yorkshire is concerned , again we would have to say that the linkage social soc socioeconomic linkage between Greater York a and South Yorkshire er is very limited .
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