Example sentences of "[verb] support [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Baker also sought support for the USA 's opposition to a Malaysian proposal for an East Asian trade grouping which excluded the USA [ see p. 38535 ] .
2 Wall Street has been hitting new peaks this week too , which has given support to the London market ( and even Japan 's Nikkei index , in a typically erratic period , has gained nearly 800 points while London added its 245 ) but London has real strengths of its own .
3 Despite its recent upgrades to include support for the IBM AT , fast colour monitors and the ability to set the default colours of each accessory window Spotlight lags behind SideKick on friendliness and ease of use .
4 He found support in the Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts and Rubenianum in Antwerp who were able to secure funds from the Crédit Communal de Belgique for an exhibition that would display the achievement of Flemish painting as part of Antwerp 's celebrations in 1993 as Cultural Capital of Europe .
5 The Taillefer brothers were still able to find support within the Angoumois , notably from the lords of Archiac and Chalais .
6 On Jan. 26 a single-paragraph statement by Mandela , dated Jan. 25 and reaffirming support for the ANC 's policy of nationalizing the " mines , banks and monopoly industries " , was released to refute rumours that he now favoured a mixed economy .
7 Although designed to counter support for the FN [ see Villeurbanne cantonal election above ] , the agreement was criticized by Léotard , who claimed that the FN would still have the upper hand since the new UPF lacked credibility .
8 But none the less the community is expressing support for the FDR-FMLN in ways which it is really surprising to see .
9 DORJE WANGDU : a 33-year-old electrician from Lhasa , he received a three-year term of ‘ re-education through labour ’ , without charge or trial , in September 1991 , for peacefully expressing support for the Dalai Lama , Tibet 's Buddhist leader-in-exile , and for possessing ‘ reactionary ’ documents .
10 Many of these exchanges receive support from the EC ERASMUS programme .
11 As John Major contemplates on the way to Washington whether he should give support to the US plan , he should bear the following in mind .
12 Continuing with his initiative to undercut support for the PKK by relaxing cultural restrictions , Özal allowed the Kurdish New Year to be openly celebrated on March 21 .
13 In January 1991 Özal antagonized conservative nationalist currents within the ANAP by easing restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language , hoping thereby to improve Turkey 's minority rights record and to undercut support for the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which since 1984 had been waging a violent campaign in support of separatist demands .
14 A meeting of Western European Union ( WEU ) Foreign Ministers in Paris on Jan. 17 reaffirmed support for the USA in the Gulf war and for military action against Iraq until it withdrew unconditionally from Kuwait .
15 It will help her attract support for the Thatcher Foundation — the means by which she hopes to preserve her legacy .
16 A compromise Swedish scheme , incorporating elements of both the EC and the US- " Cairns Group " proposals , failed to win support from the EC , Japan and South Korea [ see p. 37930 ] .
17 It was necessary to work for the ‘ maximum co-ordination of efforts between the principled radical elements ’ and to win support from the NILP and the trade unions .
18 Earlier , US Republican Senators Richard Lugar ( Indiana ) and William Cohen ( Maine ) had warned that the trade dispute could undermine support in the USA for the country 's commitment to NATO .
19 The Americans , suspecting Mossadegh of Communist sympathies , organized support for the Shah through the agents of the CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency ) in Iran , and restored him to his throne .
20 On Sept. 26 the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz denied suggestions reportedly made by Özal that the Iraqi government was providing support to the PKK .
21 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
22 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
23 White tribalists claim that the ANC lacks support beyond the Xhosa people , who are disproportionately represented at its head .
24 the Moonies and the Campaign for a Free Britain , offered support to the PRG 's campaign .
25 Sun/HelpDesk , meanwhile , is a service product that assists Sun resellers who deliver support through the SunPartners service programs in setting up their own help desks , so that they can support their users .
26 They are split between either finding no relationship , or in finding support for the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative relationship between price volatility and maturity .
27 They gave support to the Beacon and Elfreda Rathbone nurseries and most members saw these settings as the best places to ‘ treat ’ children .
28 The targets which won support at the Geneva meeting involve reducing the gap between acid fallout and critical load by at least 50 per cent .
29 The initiative also had support from the United States and the Soviet Union .
30 The Lincolnshire rebels were defeated near Stamford on 12 March and the two noblemen headed north in the hope of receiving support from the Neville affinity in the north east or Thomas lord Stanley in Lancashire .
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