Example sentences of "[verb] themselves [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 They also found themselves in opposition to certain local commercial interests as a fair number of shares in the mining company had been sold to people in the area , and thus certain local people had a vested interest in mining going ahead .
2 With the death of Olybrius and the appointment of Julius Nepos the Burgundians under Chilperic found themselves in opposition to the emperor ; presumably they withdrew from any involvement in the defence of the Auvergne .
3 Because administrators depended on their lord 's favour , they devoted themselves with vigour to Promoting his interests .
4 Nevertheless , by 1935 , the definitively Stalinised Comintern and its network of party faithful comprised the main organisational basis of Marxism in Latin America , and therefore provided a vital touchstone for all other sectors of the Left , which were forced to define themselves in relation to its characterisation of the Latin American revolution .
5 The British Chiefs of Staff at last committed themselves on paper to the defence of the Rhine as " the first pillar " of allied strategy .
6 It was the concrete embodiment of the principle of popular sovereignty : not the people choosing a government once every four or five or seven years , but the people continuously governing themselves from month to month and year to year .
7 Quite often the divisional boundaries in the amalgamated force mirror the old , small force boundaries and men define themselves in relation to their early experience with perhaps an inner city ethic , a large-town police style , or in the framework of a more rural situation .
8 But , given that brains , books and computers exist , these new replicators , which I called memes to distinguish them from genes , can propagate themselves from brain to brain , from brain to book , from book to brain , from brain to computer , from computer to computer .
9 CLANGING NETHERLANDERS Bettie Serveert named themselves in tribute to '70s tennis ace Bettie Stove and bash out their raw chunks of crude guitar pop in tribute to the Pixies , Throwing Muse , Cocteaus and everyone else on parent label 4AD .
10 The majority of glaziers and glass merchants find themselves from time to time with either ‘ salvage ’ plate glass from broken shop windows or ‘ off cuts ’ from new shop windows , explained Malcolm .
11 It may be too great a temptation to human frailty , apt to grasp at power , for the same persons who have the power of making laws , to have also in their hands the power to execute them , whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make , and suit the law , both in its making and execution , to their own private advantage .
12 Groundcrew were emotional and applied themselves with vigour to their checks , to keep their minds off the subject in hand — just as the aircrew had done in the cockpit on the flight from Cranfield to Waddington .
13 He placed the course in what was , to our minds , a very reasonable perspective , saying that we were here to teach our particular specialities , but obviously there would have to be give and take , in that we would adapt ourselves to the students ' needs , and they would adapt themselves in turn to the sort of thing which we felt capable of teaching .
14 Antoinette 's legs and feet twitched under the covers , would suddenly throw themselves from side to side .
15 Nation-states define themselves , in part , in terms of what they are not ; that is , by setting themselves in opposition to alternative degenerate or ideal societies .
16 In our culture women typically conceptualise themselves in relation to others ; discussion of the implications of this can be found in several of the papers ( Alison Assiter , Lorraine Code , Jean Grimshaw and Judith Hughes ) .
17 Brothers turned against brother , and married women could find themselves in opposition to their own family , in duty to their husband .
18 Douglas McGregor , in his book The Human Side of Enterprise , discussed the way in which managers see themselves in relation to others .
19 Hall uses the Marxist philosopher Althusser and the social psychology of Laclau to argue that politics is not just about individuals and social groups pursuing their immediate material interests ; it is also about how they imagine and identify themselves in relation to the wider social world .
20 Technocracy is described by a prophet of the counter-culture as ‘ that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who , in turn , justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge ’ ( Roszack , 1969 , pp. 7 — 8 ) .
21 Technocracy is described by a prophet of the counter-culture as ‘ that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who , in turn , justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge ’ ( Roszack , 1969 , pp. 7 — 8 ) .
22 Joseph had mused : ‘ perhaps there is at work here a process , apparent in many situations but imperfectly understood , by which problems reproduced themselves from generation to generation ’ ( Joseph , 1972 ) .
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