Example sentences of "[verb] themselves [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After much deliberation and in great sorrow , the family of Don Antonio Beatillo , learned laureate and doctor , glory of the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Naples , have resolved themselves to appeal against the last will and testament of their beloved and revered father , made in January last year , as being composed by the deceased when not in his right mind . ’
2 The critical work , however , was performed by the local committees with their voluntary membership , whose aims included recruiting applications from juveniles for assistance in obtaining apprenticed positions , compiling a register of suitable vacancies and employers , keeping themselves informed about the condition of local trades , and supervising the observation of indenture regulations by both apprentices and employers .
3 Even those men , such as Bert Cooke and John Douglas , who were later critical of ministers becoming professional politicians , found themselves acting in the political arena as they tried to explain to an increasingly interested audience why their spiritual leader was being sent to prison .
4 It was also surprising to hear that so many found it possible to stick to this diet when normally they found themselves lacking in the willpower department .
5 Support was evident from small business people whose firms were bankrupt , housewives who found themselves queuing for the basic necessities and civil servants and skilled workers whose salaries had fallen in real terms as a result of the inflation .
6 Without warning , Weissman and his audience found themselves separated by no more than a cardboard partition from a noisy meeting of a local school maintenance workers ' union , voting not to end its strike .
7 Lesbians who wished to become parents by artificial insemination found themselves pilloried by the media .
8 Many energy-intensive industries had to reduce their productive capacity , e.g. oil refineries , steel works , while international banks found themselves engaged in a massive petro-dollar recycling operation between surplus and deficit countries .
9 Users had to present their data in ways laid down by the DP department ; they found themselves bound by the DP department 's priorities rather than by their own ; and , in addition , they had to compete with colleagues for use of the computer 's facilities .
10 During the 1980s the police found themselves embroiled in a number of controversies .
11 They coexisted with the now somewhat depleted Byzantine empire but soon found themselves embroiled in the Crusader invasion at the end of the eleventh century , in the course of which were to emerge Baibars the Mamluk and the celebrated Kurdish warrior known as Salahuddin al-Ayyubi or Saladin .
12 Emaciated , servile , exhausted , Stepan and Ilya Holovich found themselves herded with a hundred thousand others into the Displacement Camps .
13 Handed from one briskly obsequious waiter to another they found themselves tucked into an upholstered corner , served up with menus and dealt drinks that neither of them was conscious of having ordered .
14 The Greeks did not react — or rather did not go beyond the surface of Roman life — until they found themselves faced with a first-class power which had defeated the Greek armies of Pyrrhus on the open field .
15 From 1982 onwards , Romania 's Western creditors found themselves faced by a baffling response from Bucharest to their offers of further credit .
16 It was in this tense situation that the Labour Party , the pacifists and the Government found themselves manoeuvring for the leadership of the growing public demand for peace .
17 Two rival regiments of the peacetime British Army found themselves quartered in the same town .
18 Even with regard to this episode Margaret showed a sisterly loyalty : I am told that when she and Ivy found themselves staying at the same hotel as Cecilia Ady , Eleanor Jourdain 's chief opponent , ‘ there was a marked coldness ’ .
19 Having survived the milling crowds at the station platforms ( in which they might easily be separated from brother or sister ) , children often found themselves bundled onto a train , not knowing their destination , and then enduring a long , slow journey in cramped coaches with no corridors or toilets .
20 After an hour the ship emerged from the jungle , and the Shermans found themselves gazing across an open alluvial plain dotted with isolated clumps of palm .
21 Entire families , forced off the land and driven to the cities , found themselves tied to a treadmill of existence that involved the entire family working , quite literally , night and day .
22 When the Moderator and the other dignatories came out of the Assembly to cross the road , they found themselves flanked by a crowd of Free Presbyterians shouting anti-ecumenical slogans and waving placards .
23 This was the first occasion on which the ancestors of the modern Slovenes found themselves included in a political unit which extended into central Europe .
24 During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia , the warrior goddess of Estalia , a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dreaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel .
25 In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .
26 They found themselves trapped in a little group .
27 One 200-strong theatre audience who found themselves trapped in the chaos on Tuesday were given an impromptu hour-long concert by Tom Jones .
28 Nigel Freshman , 21 , and Chuck Street , 20 , found themselves trapped in an adjoining room when the door handle fell off .
29 This is the date England had originally set aside for a friendly against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin but which both Robson and Jack Charlton agreed to abandon when they found themselves paired in the same World Cup group .
30 Within four hours it was all over , and the following morning thousands of officers and men found themselves incarcerated in the Cittadella , the great sixteenth-century fortress built by the Farnese on the outskirts of the city .
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