Example sentences of "[verb] itself in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This dominance exhibits itself in the ability of corporations to choose effectively which topics of policy they will shepherd into the arena of public debate , and which they will keep within the confines of private discussions .
2 At one level , this exhibits itself in the place that mathematics and science have come to occupy , mainly in virtue of their underpinning of technology in all its forms , including information technology and computerization .
3 He then experimentally removed an owner , and allowed a previous intruder ( which had lost against the removed owner ) to establish itself in the territory .
4 An SBU with high capital intensity could well be at an early stage of its product life-cycle , when one would expect it to be building up its investment relative to sales and also experiencing low profitability as it fights to establish itself in the market .
5 With all of its efforts to establish itself in the Unix marketplace , DEC has sometimes been in danger of convincing its own VMS customers that the traditional VAX lines have not been keeping up with Unix in the price/performance race .
6 Once again the country which complained most about the policy was Britain , which found itself in the position of being a ‘ net contributor ’ to the EC after 1973 , paying far more into the EC than it received back .
7 The wave of interest in the rediscovery of Celtic music is particularly important , and not merely because of the Celtic-Scottish influence on Leonard 's family ( an aspect that the Montreal Gazette highlighted regarding Lyon Cohen 's Gaelic accent recently ) and American eclecticism — often little more than a slavish following of European forms — which found itself in the development of ‘ pop ’ music , notably of ragtime around 1900 and jazz around 1918 .
8 Having ridden the contradictions , the paper suddenly found itself in the middle of them .
9 On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy .
10 But before long , the company found itself in the midst of the early 1980s ' recession , an event that , by Mr Garner 's own admission , nearly finished TI off for good .
11 The first generation to find itself in the vanguard after the second world war mistrusted opera , felt its connections with the old order too oppressive .
12 The romantic fantasy is nurtured in our youth with Enid Blyton books and ghost stories and manifests itself in the invention of tunnel myths .
13 P. pictus is sensitive to poor water and this often manifests itself in the degeneration of the barbels and the membrane between the fin rays .
14 The barbels are long and are a great temptation to other fish which sometimes pick at them and damage them , P. pictus Is sensitive to poor water conditions and this often manifests itself in the degeneration of the barbels and the membrane between the fin rays .
15 This distinction manifests itself in the fact that the " see that " paraphrase fits the second sentence very well but is very awkward for the first .
16 As you drive , this NVH manifests itself in the form of tiny vibrations fed back through the steering wheel and the gruff , uninspiring sounds from the SE-FHE engine .
17 Stance manifests itself in the adoption of certain approaches , methods or techniques : the experimental method of the scientist , the survey method of the sociologist , the close reading of the student of literature .
18 This tension between two historical periods , revealing itself in the narrative as an opposition between the unconscious , non-reflective life style of a father , Antoine Bloye , and the critical , politically aware conscience of a son ( Pierre Bloye ) /communist narrator ( Paul Nizan ) , constitutes the historical centre of this text .
19 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
20 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
21 His face came down to her , passed by her own , and buried itself in the copper cloak .
22 The car left the road , smashed through an 8ft garden wall and then buried itself in the house , on a busy corner of a housing estate at Matson in Gloucester .
23 But on other occasions , to use a phrase of Nietzsche , ‘ a thought comes when ‘ it ’ wants , not when I want ’ , explodes and opens out too fast in in too complex ramifications to be disciplined , takes bold analogical leaps in defiance of logical rigour ; the problem on which it centres is obscure , defining itself in the process of being solved , and as he struggles to formulate it the thought is running in another direction , yet he yields to the flow out of a vague intimation that it will circle back ; for the final effort to force the argument into a coherent and publicly testable form — the only assurance even for himself that he is illumined and not deluded — he waits until the time comes to complete it on paper .
24 Yet when Labour 's prospects are rosiest , it always seems to shoot itself in the foot .
25 Another leisure analyst , who declined to be named , said Airtours had ‘ shot itself in the foot ’ by announcing only last Monday estimated cost savings of £20 million in the 1993/94 financial year if the merger went unconditional .
26 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
27 The legacy of Britain 's largest ever baby boom , dating from the early years of this century , manifested itself in the growth of the numbers of people of pensionable age in the 1960s and 1970s and the dramatic increase in the numbers of the very elderly in the 1980s .
28 Loosely linked to it were the emerging environmentalist movements ( the link being forged by a deep suspicion of advanced technology which had raised the spectre of nuclear holocaust and then manifested itself in the devastation inflicted on Vietnam ) .
29 The tightening of monetary policy throughout the industrialized world in 1989 and early 1990 manifested itself in the form of higher interest rates , as the major instrument to curb consumer demand and ease inflation .
30 Since it can not be known as a concept that will realize itself in the future , Sartre argues instead that the totality only produces itself in the moment : ‘ The incarnation as such is at once unrealizable except as totalization of everything and irreducible to a pure abstract unity of that which it totalizes ’ ( II , 58 ) .
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