Example sentences of "[verb] britain [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The best will be representing Britain in the Paralympics in the Summer .
2 They actually take pride in promoting Britain as the sweatshop of Europe .
3 John Major 's taking a break from the hard grind of political life here to sell Britain to the Japanese .
4 It immediately distinguished Britain from the rest of Western Europe , especially as nuclear facilities were being created almost from the outset .
5 UEFA bosses are expected to visit Britain at the end of this season to look at possible host stadiums .
6 And Julius Caesar stood in France in because he was in , the place he captured in France , and he could see Britain across the water and he wondered what the land was like over there .
7 Obviously , he sees Britain as the sweatshop of the world — he almost said as much — and , if we are unlucky enough to find him in office for more than a few more months , we may find ourselves taking the place previously occupied by the Soviet Union , as Upper Volta with rockets .
8 At the Conservative Party conference in October 1988 Mrs Thatcher stated : ‘ We have n't worked all these years to free Britain from the paralysis of socialism only to see it creep in through the back door of central control and bureaucracy from Brussels ’ .
9 If Canada joined Britain for the war , as she most certainly would , which unit of the service would I be joining ?
10 A week later back in Vancouver , when Canada joined Britain in the war against Germany and Italy , I applied to the RCAF recruiting office for a commission , in view of my earlier flying experience .
11 Mr Patten says the new money would help meet National education and training targets and lift Britain towards the top of international league tables in staying-on rates for 16 to 19-year-olds .
12 Its interlacing plot reflects the medieval stories its author loved ; its style , bold and unsubtle , rails against the age of dictators and the sour technocrats who governed Britain after the fall of Hitler .
13 Let us dismiss the notion that a free , democratic and outward-looking Community is somehow a perverse Anglo-Saxon concept which divides Britain from the rest of Europe .
14 Mr Smith scorned Mr Major 's claims to put Britain at the heart of Europe .
15 The latest move comes a day after Ke Zaishuo , the senior Peking representative to the Joint Liaison Group — the Anglo-Chinese body overseeing Hong Kong 's return to mainland sovereignty in 1997 — blamed Britain for the crisis of confidence in the territory after the Chinese army assault on Tiananmen Square .
16 Yesterday , the Soviet Union blamed Britain for the cancellation of a visit by a human rights delegation , saying British officials insisted on sending Mr Michael Bourdeaux of Keston College — someone they knew would not be given a Soviet visa .
17 Having accepted that previous attempts to build a comprehensive Western Europe had failed through the efforts to incorporate Britain into the design , there was now a widespread conviction that a multi-purpose unit could be fashioned by the little Europe of the Six .
18 THE LONG and winding road that Jo Durie 's career has followed over the past 10 years , took another nasty twist yesterday when she missed the chance to keep Britain in the Federation Cup .
19 The technology has brought Britain to the forefront of speech recognition in nine months — thanks to a team of three researchers , Dr Roger Moore , of the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment , says .
20 The floating pound removes Britain from the ERM straitjacket and allows us to expand .
21 PREMIER John Major was ambushed by the Germans last night in a move which could force Britain off the road to European unity .
22 ‘ What Hitler failed to do , Ashdown wants to do — bring Britain under the rule of the Germans and the French , ’ he yelled in an attempt to disrupt Mr Ashdown 's walkabout .
23 In August 1931 the Labour Government collapsed , and Macdonald emerged to lead a Conservative-dominated National Government which , within months , took Britain off the Gold Standard and introduced protective tariffs .
24 John Major took Britain into the ERM with an over-valued pound .
25 Premier John Major , who took Britain into the ERM against the advice of ex-premier Mrs Thatcher , has stuck out against devaluation .
26 That could lose Mr Lamont his job but it was John Major who took Britain into the ERM with an over-valued pound .
27 We must recognize this policy for what it is , to turn Britain into the sweatshop of Europe .
28 Even Jean Monnet , the mover of much that was to occur in the future , saw Britain as the nucleus of a European Community .
29 To represent Britain in the way I 'm doing , to me that 's just as good as fighting in the war .
30 English statesman and twice Prime Minister ( 1784–1801 and 1804–6 ) : ‘ the pilot who had weathered the storm ’ , DS 61 ; increased the tax on windows , OCS 28 ; sought to adopt a neutral attitude towards the French Revolution , but on France 's declaring war on England put Britain at the head of a powerful anti-French alliance , TTC iii 8 .
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