Example sentences of "[verb] to go [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard 's father had been a builder , his two elder brothers were house painters ; his older sister was married to a carpenter : another just left nursing to be married ; his two younger sisters were still at school and planned to go to college against their mother 's wishes .
2 So I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the , whatever , the end of May
3 I asked her about the letter and she said she could n't remember anything about it but she filled in something when they came back from Belfast and she said open it , so I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the whatever , the end of May , then if you went again in the Autumn , you you get er fifty pounds worth of vouchers or something , you go half price .
4 If you suffered an injury — like a slipped disc , a dislocated knee — or if you needed a hip replacement or maybe something even more serious , you 'd naturally want to go into hospital without a long delay .
5 I do not want to go into detail about how I get on with Michael .
6 ‘ I would n't want to go through life as a miracle-worker . ’
7 Sometimes she does n't want to go to school at all . ’
8 If he did n't want to go to court for a very minor offence , then you could caution him .
9 I 'm only here under duress because I did n't want to go to court over this nonsense .
10 ( Who 'd want to go to bed with roses anyway , what a mad idea ! ) ’
11 ‘ You do n't want to go to bed with me ? ’
12 But I do n't want to go to bed with you .
13 When I was younger they used to say if I ever did want to go to bed with somebody to ask to go on the Pill .
14 I do n't want to go to bed with you , I 'm speaking about the situation .
15 The trouble is , when I do n't want to go to bed with her ( and it does happen ) , I do n't want to go to bed with her .
16 The trouble is , when I do n't want to go to bed with her ( and it does happen ) , I do n't want to go to bed with her .
17 When do n't I want to go to bed with her ?
18 ‘ In the circumstances , how could you possibly want to go to bed with someone like me ? ’
19 ‘ I knew two sorts of women , ’ he said thickly , not looking at her , ‘ the women I loved but did n't want to go to bed with .
20 And then the women I did want to go to bed with , but could n't conduct a conversation with . ’
21 ‘ You 're not in love with him and you do n't want to go to bed with him , but you do love him .
22 ‘ Lowell , do you want to go to bed with me ? ’
23 Do you want to go to bed with Daddy ?
24 you do n't want to go to bed with knots in your hair
25 Well do you want to go to Nottingham to the disco at Rosy 's or not ?
26 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
27 What you got to go into town for ?
28 I think you know it 's hard you g got to go with Leicester at the moment because they 're in the pole position and I have for my money been the better side but er Forest do look capable of snatching an equalizer .
29 IBM Corp has at last woken up to the fact that to remain competitive in the personal computer business , it is necessary constantly to add new models , and in the US , the company yesterday added new 80486-based PS/1 models based on chips ranging from the 25MHz 80486SX to the 66MHz 80486DX2 ; they come in desktop and minitower configurations and are available now at prices expected to go from $1,200 to $3,000 ; they are upgradable to the Pentium .
30 Ballet simply does not figure in black or working-class lives ; such children tend to go into dance through rock music , reggae , discos — and that means modern dance .
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