Example sentences of "[verb] to see the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
2 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
3 One drawback of the Masters for married men , who want to see the last putt in , is that it requires them to creep to bed as if they were returning from a night club .
4 As they reached the trees they heard a wild burst of cheering and turned to see the first tongues of flame licking up the walls of the cainca .
5 The neccriminal justice act in November introduces a new sentencing frame work which should reduce the numbers , but others would like to see the next Goverment go further .
6 We are only just beginning to see the first stirrings of a new debate on industry 's competitiveness .
7 I only managed to see the second programme when still perhaps a little punch-drunk from over-exposure to Bournonville at the Copenhagen festival , but I relished the four examples of choreography by Mark Morris and Lar Lubovitch , particularly when they showed off Baryshnikov .
8 The second bit I 've seen but I need to see the first bit .
9 Not to mention a rapid passing on of mortgage cuts to bedraggled flocks of existing homeowners ; who are less than thrilled to see the first helping of crumbs go in instant cheap deals to first-time buyers .
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