Example sentences of "[verb] together for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle .
2 Such ensembles were not merely gathered together for the occasional ballet ; there were , in fact , three standing oboe bands at court , or , more accurately , three ensembles whose members played the oboe much of the time .
3 The member States had joined together for the collective achievement of this common purpose which demanded concerted action .
4 They lived together for a long time ; she bore him children — who took after their mother and turned out to be demons too .
5 " Collection " covers " a collection got together for a temporary purpose " , but not one " made or exhibited for the purpose of effecting sales or other commercial dealings " .
6 Westwood offers an account of how the structures of gender , ethnicity and class fit together for a specific group of women workers .
7 Colours can of course be mixed together for an infinite variety of results .
8 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
9 The industry still has problems but I sense an increasing willingness for its component parts to work together for the common good .
10 He did n't know if they would succeed , but it showed that , even here , there were people prepared to work together for the common good .
11 AN international treaty which commits three very different communities to work together for the common good is to be signed in Middlesbrough next week .
12 Put simply , everyone has come together for the common good and economic prosperity of the river .
13 We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time , sharing their delight at looking underwater through a diving mask for the first time .
14 The paths of two lives , or three to be exact , came together for a little while and then separated .
15 Some thirty graduates of the degree came together for an excellent meal in University House , followed by an informal update from one of the joint organisers of the reunion , Keith Moffitt , on the whereabouts of those who had been unable to attend .
16 This posits that the company or any group of individuals acting together for a common purpose creates a living organism , or a real person , capable of willing and acting through the people who are its organs just as a natural person wills and acts through their brain , mouth and hands .
17 Each June a group of Duannians meet together for an informal reunion .
18 Helen , with the baby only two weeks away , was very large indeed , but not too large for me to get my arms around her , and we stood there in the middle of the flagged floor clasped together for a long time with neither of us saying much .
19 The plan was for Richard and Philip to meet at Vézelay on 1st April 1190 and then to leave together for the Holy Land .
20 They stood clasped together for a long time , then he bent his head and kissed her , softly at first , then with such increasing passion that she could feel his heart beating like a drum .
21 Pilger told him they had better get together for a serious talk the minute he got off the plane .
22 ‘ We 've always been really good friends but had n't worked together for a long time .
23 She went up to the bedroom to see Anna and they spoke together for a long time . ’
24 Plainly if only two numbers have been put together for the main number , added entry headings can be generated merely by reversing the component number ( e.g. main entry under 331.2:687.9 and added entry under 687.9:331.2 ) .
25 Finn must have been lying awake in the darkness , as she was , the wall separating them like Tristan 's sword , for she could hear the soft murmur of him and Francie talking together for a little while , but she could not make out one word .
26 They had lived together for a long time , but the sister was now reaching the conclusion that the situation could not continue much longer :
27 Groups come together for a specific reason and this reason should run like a thread through the liturgy as well as linking it to the whole community of the Church .
28 After one or two attempts they can change over until all join together for a big finish .
29 Suddenly she felt a glowing warmth deep inside ; he could never betray her , could never sell what they had together for the cheap thrill of recounting an old , sordid story .
30 We are working together for a reformed and revised Near East , and our two movements complement each other . ’
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