Example sentences of "[verb] himself [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Liz , at the magic moment , found herself unexpectedly clutching the hot hand of Ivan Warner , which seemed wrong but ordained : she looked for Charles , and saw that the poor man had managed to find himself in the icy palm of Lady Henrietta .
2 It was a huge relief to find himself in the big bedroom with its heavy mahogany furniture .
3 Increasingly man is being urged to launch himself into the barely-explored regions of his innermost self in ‘ crafts ’ which are often unstable .
4 PHIL Sorenti decided to launch himself off the tallest building on campus for the best of reasons .
5 Jesus releases us from this addiction by revealing himself as the willing servant , humbled to the point of death , submitting his will to the will of God .
6 Partly in the hope of keeping himself on the straight and narrow — you 'd be surprised how many gay men do that — and partly because he thought it would do his career a bit of good .
7 Ramsay ensconced himself in the upper storey of the mill building , where he could gain as wide a view as possible .
8 In Cambridge that autumn he found himself without the steadying influence of Thomas Middleton , and without money .
9 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
10 Asked what he would feel like if , on Sunday night , he found himself on the 18th tee tied for the lead , he replied that it could only be a ‘ shattering experience ’ .
11 That they were left to themselves is evident , for Eusebius of Nicomedia , who was close to Constantine , found himself on the losing side in the debate about the relationship between Father and Son , defeated by a group led by a mere deacon ( though soon to be a bishop ) , Athanasius of Alexandria .
12 The original score — the two movements completed by Mozart , and the rest added by Süssmayr in a hand almost indistinguishable ( deliberately so ) from Mozart 's — was given to Count Walsegg , who for once found himself on the receiving end of a little deception .
13 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
14 Paul Way found himself on the receiving end of a £100 fine for a breach of the P.G.A .
15 By the time he had got to suggesting that 126 card-carrying Communists were on the staff of the New York Times Sunday supplement , Matusow 's credibility was fraying , and , in 1956 , after a series of volte-faces he found himself on the wrong end of a five-year sentence for perjury .
16 ITV 's Crime Monthly star Paul Ross found himself on the wrong side of the law after hitting a cyclist as he drove his car on a roundabout near London 's Waterloo station , a Westminster court heard .
17 However , once Leopold relinquished his role of chaperone and travelling companion and the adolescent Wolfgang found himself off the parental leash , he promptly set about indulging all his hitherto repressed impulses , just like any other high-spirited teenager .
18 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
19 Cornelius found himself in the uncluttered office of Mister Arthur Kobold .
20 GARY MASON , whose avowed game plan is meet the world heavyweight champion , Mike Tyson , sometime in 1991 , last night found himself in the nearest thing to a test against that granite-hard fighter that his supporters could hope to imagine .
21 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
22 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
23 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
24 Like the majority of his contemporaries , Levin found himself in the vaguest position in regard to religion .
25 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
26 More than one Gaullist found himself in the difficult situation of having to give de Gaulle a lecture in Gaullism .
27 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
28 Then , in the middle of the election campaign , he suddenly found himself among the accused .
29 Pressing himself against the last wagon he peered around the side for any sign of the guards .
30 Towards the end of the third hour , a little man at the back of the great hall , a faithful apparatchik from the area of the Caspian Sea , was unable to contain himself at the unanticipated exposition of the enormities of Stalin .
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