Example sentences of "[verb] members [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Women 's Corona Society ( see Appendix 4 ) has members throughout the world who both welcome and provide useful information to incoming expatriates ' wives and children .
2 During the Second World War most Italians were interned as enemy aliens , even though they may have been respected members of the community for 30 or 40 years — and even had relatives serving in the British forces .
3 POLICE have applauded members of the public whose information has led to a series of arrests .
4 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
5 One important role of such units , is that they provide a safe environment for mentally disturbed people , at the same time in severe cases , protecting members of the community from possible harm as a result of violence to persons or property .
6 When there is a rhythm between experience and insight , between catechesis and liturgy , those who are handicapped in mind and body can grow into contributing members of the community of faith .
7 Pressure groups that have narrowly lost points or who feel strongly opposed may brief members in the hope that with extra publicity and a show of support from friendly MPs , the government may relent during the passage of the bill .
8 You can say : " I would like to open up this discussion and involve members of the meeting who have not spoken much so far . "
9 The rules and regulations of her domain are established , and woe betide members of the household who break them .
10 If authority in the country depended on the quiescence of almost 4000 qualified electors , then the towns represented the real fiefs of nobility and gentry , often returning members on the basis of a long-departed medieval splendour .
11 I mean , you can never trust members of the public ; they are extraordinarily inaccurate in what they claim to remember , but I ca n't discount anything .
12 They were to meet members of the Board of Trade at six o'clock and were scheduled to be available for public questioning at a meeting on the mezzanine floor of the hotel at seven .
13 It 's an opportunity for the passengers to meet members of the crew .
14 The Governor of Hong Kong , Sir David Wilson , arrives in Washington on Saturday for a week-long visit , to meet members of the administration and congressional leaders .
15 THE Queen made a morale-boosting visit to Northern Ireland yesterday to meet members of the security forces and public .
16 Well that takes us on nicely to more interviews , this time I 'm coming down to meet members of the audience .
17 The new chairman of BAIE Scotland , Rosemary Wake , wants members in the region to get to know each other better , for professional as well as social reasons .
18 The 30-member Pakistani delegation , led by the secretary-general of the Pakistan Foreign Office , Akram Zaki , reportedly included members of the army 's Inter-Services Intelligence ( ISI ) , known for its close links to mujaheddin groups , especially the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami [ see p. 38153 ] .
19 The precise membership seems never to have been defined , though it has always included members of the county advisory staff , members of the Project Coordinating Team , teachers from project and non-project schools , teachers ' centre wardens , and DCSLs .
20 He draws people on buses and planes , and drew members of the Senate when he went to Washington ; he paints whenever he can .
21 They used Druze fighters as a colonial militia just as they used members of the minority Muslim Alawite community in Syria to put down Sunni Muslim nationalist revolt .
22 Michnik , who had written on June 7 that Walesa was behaving " like a Caesar " , resigned in protest from the union 's national civic committee on June 24 , together with Zbigniew Bujak and Henryk Wujec ( both founding members of the union committee ) , after Walesa had dismissed Wujec from his post as secretary of the committee .
23 Since this tactic came into operation in September 1987 all founding members of the banana trade union movement have been assassinated or subjected to assassination attempts .
24 The three groups have agreed to give the new trust £116,000 this year and have each nominated members for the trust 's board .
25 While the Association will never pursue members with the determination of a Time-Share salesperson , it does n't like to lose members , particularly those who are just too forgetful to get subscriptions off in good time .
26 And becoming members of the Trust .
27 I i it 's saying something about the motivation of the people who who are doing this , those peasants who were taking the lead and becoming members of the Party .
28 He made the point that defence was not a suitable matter for the European Community , with Ireland being neutral and the likelihood of Austria and Sweden also becoming members of the Community by the mid-1990s .
29 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
30 Their responsibilities were assumed by a High Authority for the Transition to the Third Republic and a National Committee for Economic and Social Recovery ; both these bodies would include members of the opposition .
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