Example sentences of "[verb] already [verb] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Graham Taylor 's sidekick said : ‘ He has already achieved the first step by playing in the friendly against Spurs and it will be a very big step to get into a competitive game where there will be no quarter given or asked .
2 The Intor workshop has already produced a first broad proposal a definition of the envisaged plant and its objectives .
3 Anyone who has got as far as saying this , has already thrown the first proposition overboard , because if it is ‘ the responsibility of management to do everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce prices ’ , then we would not need a commission to tell us that managements which raise prices are falling down on their responsibility .
4 - A letter appears in a national newspaper expressing disbelief that the writer has already spotted the first penny-for-the-guy collector/Christmas tree/artificial snow sprayed on shop window/Valentine cards on sale .
5 If care proceedings arise from a s37 investigation ( see Chapter 3 , 1(b) ) it should be remembered that the court may have already made a first interim order when making the direction .
6 When the result was officially declared at a general committee meeting of the Birkenhead party last night , Mr Field had already won the first round of the ballot in the individual members section with 159 votes against his two challengers , Mr Paul Davies , a local Transport and General Workers ' union official , who secured 75 votes and Militant supporter , Ms Kathy Wilson , with 48 votes .
7 If , when you left the machine , you had already knitted the first row of the cycle , when you return you 'll knit two more of the same row , making a total of three .
8 She remain uncertain still what was to be done with it , though she consoled herself with the thought that in entering the court of Le Grand Jeu and submitting to its verdict , she had already taken the first tentative steps .
9 Thereafter , Franco began to make a rhetorical distinction between the war against the United Kingdom and the United States , in which Spain took no part , and the war against the Soviet Union , which , in Franco 's view , was a new crusade against communism , of which Nationalist Spain had already fought the first battle during her Civil War .
10 I have already instanced the first chapter of Simenon 's Maigret 's Pickpocket , which consists of no more than a description of Maigret riding to work on a bus , as being as gripping as any chase sequence , from the absolute accuracy of the writing and its complete economy .
11 David , Grant and Stuart are due to complete their studies towards the end of 1995 but have already cleared the first hurdle .
12 The small events in my study and dining-room , the large events crowding your office , have already dictated the first necessity of our inquiry : to write our own terms of reference .
13 If you have already seen the first Wolfenstein get a copy of this today , if not , order Wolfenstein-3D on order code 3080 ( 2 Disks ) .
14 you have already seen the first part of that intent .
15 ‘ We have already taken the first steps towards that goal .
16 ‘ You have already forgotten the first rule .
17 Well the first one 's already had the first chance
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