Example sentences of "[verb] off [prep] the middle " in BNC.

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1 What Ken , as technically-minded as ever , did n't notice was that all the clocks had been set to go off in the middle of the night — which , needless to say , they all did .
2 Like when a drunken Richard Burton nodded off in the middle of a question ; the time Warren Beatty kept him waiting for an hour-and-a-half … and the day Robert Raging Bull De Niro looked as if he was about to punch him on the nose .
3 But the assistant on the show got so pissed that she put her head on his lap , after which he got up and walked off in the middle of the programme . ’
4 When he broke off in the middle of the sentence , she glanced up at him curiously and was completely taken by surprise when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her .
5 Simmons suddenly recollected his duties as host , and broke off in the middle of a discussion about whether Botham 's personality was right for the England team .
6 It is useful to quote the size of the repeat when ordering fabric for curtains or blinds so that you do not cut off in the middle of a formalized pattern .
7 Gower , when 7 , was given not-out to a caught-behind appeal against Mushtaq , and substitute Rashid Latif suddenly took off down the middle of the pitch like some Keystone Kop , arms waving , perhaps stung by a bee or heavily influenced by a certain West Indies captain who patented an onfield war-dance .
8 Unfortunately he got cut off in the middle of a sentence . ’
9 Argyle and Henderson ( 1985 ) , reviewing evidence about contact between siblings , suggest that this follows a U-shape , being high in childhood and teenage years , falling off in the middle of adult life , and then picking up again as the siblings move into old age .
10 Calm and svelte , stealthy as a cat in his movements , he seemed to approach sex as a form of research , favouring techniques of foreplay so subtle and prolonged that Robyn occasionally dozed off in the middle of them , and would wake with a guilty start to find him still crouched studiously over her body , fingering it like a box of index cards .
11 Subsequently the council 's own officers told the inquiry that a pedestrian had been killed on Hollyhurst Road because he could n't find a safe place to cross , that ambulances struggle to get down Hollyhurst Road in emergencies , that residents cars are blocked in their drives and that buses have to drop off in the middle of the road .
12 It looked as if they 'd been having a party and had just taken off in the middle of it .
13 ‘ The notion of tragedy did n't enter my head , ’ she protested , ‘ but it did seem odd for her to break off in the middle of a phone call like that . ’
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