Example sentences of "[verb] like the [adj] thing " in BNC.

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1 It 's all a load of bull shit basically , it seems , it seems that the para 's were certainly under fire , with nobody knows and erm , it does , the only thing that is blatantly clear , all these lying transferred by the para 's and they were like dragging them away and stuff and the only , there 's only one member that 's had any thing to do with the I R A that they can find out about , that 's one so at least nine were n't firing definitely , erm , three may of done or may not of done so it looks like the only thing that basic the same is looks like at least nine were innocent , you know its all right for
2 looks like the REAL THING
3 ‘ I would n't drink it even if it tasted like the real thing , ’ comments Stephen , a 32-year-old designer .
4 Now it seemed like the only thing that would make Christmas tolerable .
5 ‘ It seemed like the only thing to do before I set out .
6 Tony Zanetta : ‘ Prior to his tour of the States , David started doing dates in England and within three months he was becoming what seemed like the biggest thing in England .
7 One of his best friends was already playing and the two were big Kiss and Black Sabbath fans , ‘ so it seemed like the natural thing to do . ’
8 Well seriously Cass like the only thing like that I 've ever said about you like is that one day in the classroom right there was this picture of this naked woman on the right ?
9 does that sound like the decent thing to do ?
10 Programming trends that encourage people to watch rather than live reality might not sound like the healthiest thing for Americans , who on average already waste nine years of their lives — about four hours a day — in front of the tube .
11 The window was made of sugar glass , the substance adopted in a thousand movies to look like the real thing .
12 The only ones I 've seen here are from California , and they do n't taste like the real thing at all .
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