Example sentences of "[verb] no signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It was known , too , she said , that medical examinations on the nine children in the present case , had revealed no signs of abuse .
2 I feel sure we can win if we show no signs of panic , and our only safe course is to depend on our record , and make as few promises as possible .
3 Will the Minister confirm that Kenya and Malawi are the largest African recipients of British aid , and that both are one-party states which show no signs of progress towards multi-party democracy ?
4 Freshly extruded cores show no signs of gas and nor does an underwater television camera towed through the sediment .
5 The majority of people with HIV infection show no signs of illness and will look and feel well and healthy .
6 Parent Apple Snails show no signs of cannibalism , however , and I keep young and adults together , as the young graze the algae from the adults ' shells .
7 The whole vehicle looks unnaturally new and shiny : the leather harness is greased and polished , the dark velvet curtains are drawn inside the carriage and show no signs of decay .
8 Horses normally group tightly when they feel threatened , though these show no signs of fear .
9 ‘ Prospects are relatively better in the US but our main markets in Europe show no signs of improvement , ’ the company said .
10 Some sufferers show no signs of infection , in which case it is a question of spotting the tiny white ‘ thread-like ’ worms in the motions .
11 Mr Balladur and his ministers may have made soothing noises abroad over GATT , but they show no signs at home of abandoning the previous government 's intransigence .
12 Certainly , as he stared out eastwards , Ramsay could perceive no signs of alarm or even movement in town or beyond .
13 He had shown no signs of heart problems and it was extremely rare for babies to have heart attacks .
14 The actual economic situation in Europe in 1918–20 clearly shows that this period of collapse has set in and that the old system of relations of production shows no signs of revival .
15 The leather necklace trend shows no signs of ending .
16 Saatchi Saatchi shows no signs of recovery .
17 Kapil acknowledges that Border , who shows no signs of retirement at the age of 37 , will eventually overhaul Gavaskar .
18 He acknowledged in his affidavit now filed in support of the application and repeated in his oral evidence taken on Friday , that ‘ Miss T. 's conscious level was somewhat clouded although she was fully orientated and appropriate in her verbal responses did not make any inappropriate comments and showed no signs of hallucination .
19 The snow showed no signs of melting ; it was piled at least four inches deep on her window ledge and against her windows , and there were deep bird tracks patterned across it .
20 Her mother showed no signs of mercury poisoning at all .
21 THE Prince and Princess of Wales showed no signs of anxiety over the blanket coverage of their alleged marriage problems as their hectic schedule of engagements continued in South Korea .
22 They showed no signs of anxiety over the coverage of their alleged marriage problems as their hectic schedule of engagements continued in South Korea .
23 They did not dare camp on the western bank where the attack had been ; the eastern bank showed no signs of life but the tangled strips of trees continued along it and they mistrusted what they might hide .
24 Owers showed no signs of rustiness , often winning the ball in midfield and supplying the deadly pass to Goodman which produced the first goal .
25 Furthermore , she showed no signs of hesitation in answering my questions regarding blood transfusions and I was therefore satisfied that she was capable of understanding and signing a declaration of refusal of blood products as relating to her subsequent obstetric procedure . ’
26 It was possible , he said , that she 'd misjudged its speed , or momentarily fallen asleep , though their manager said in a statement that when they left Minehead they were in fine spirits and showed no signs of tiredness .
27 ‘ This was a very contented , prosperous family who showed no signs of discord . ’
28 With full-back Ian Hunter not appearing Cumbria were in doubt about their line-up until a few minutes before kick-off , but showed no signs of uncertainty when the action began , winning a penalty from their first attack .
29 He showed no signs of improvement over the next 48 hours .
30 If therefore the waters of the sea showed no signs of depletion of fish , an increased supply could be produced at a lower price after a time sufficiently long to enable the normal action of economic causes to work itself out . [ … ]
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