Example sentences of "[verb] as a threat to " in BNC.

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1 But it will reduce the likelihood of those forces re-emerging as a threat to the West and favour a better military balance between the former Soviet republics .
2 This relationship has been a concern , however , of those who perceive the growth of central government financing as a threat to the independence of local government .
3 The famed croaking is more likely to be heard in such tanks , as it 's at its most audible when males meet and display as a threat to other intruding males — or during the mating season as the male pursues the female .
4 Heresy becomes a social solecism , a self-declared exile , as the personal history of Protestant converts amply proves : George Borrow 's Bible peddling was regarded as a threat to society itself or an incomprehensible eccentricity .
5 Their participation , approved in June [ see p. 38987 ] , had been prompted by Western concern to enlist co-operation in preventing sensitive technology reaching countries regarded as a threat to global security .
6 Protest demonstrations outside the United States embassy in Port Louis on Nov. 6 , 1989 , called for the withdrawal from the Indian Ocean region of foreign military presence which the demonstrators regarded as a threat to the safety of its inhabitants .
7 A communiqué on Nov. 15 reaffirmed that " any threat to any member state shall be considered as a threat to all GCC nations " .
8 Urban life 's now seen as a threat to our vulnerable individuality : the jungle of the ghetto , the ‘ urban hell ’ that rap music talks about , becomes a paradigm for all of us .
9 Numbers of Americans and Britons have doubled in the past decade but , at 40,000 and 11,000 respectively , they are not seen as a threat to the social fabric in the same way as the Iranians and other Asians .
10 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
11 Fundamentally the whole complex of hostility towards homosexuality is a reflection of a biological imperative to procreate , in which the homosexual is seen as a threat to the species , ‘ unnatural ’ , and therefore worthy of condemnation .
12 Girls were alleged to have tendencies towards ‘ flirtation ’ , and were usually seen as a threat to the healthy development of the boy .
13 Any attempt to open up the convolutions of farm policy to public scrutiny is bound to be seen as a threat to those with an interest in the status quo .
14 Now it seems that — after nearly 40 years in which pop has been seen as a threat to our children — it is finally safe to unlock your daughters .
15 The impetus behind the NBA was the problem in Victorian times of widespread and severe price cutting in the retail book trade , which was seen as a threat to the viability of booksellers and publishers .
16 Any threat to the Sabbath day was seen as a threat to the Jewish faith as a whole .
17 Mosley 's turn to political anti-semitism was signalled by his Albert Hall meeting in October 1934 when he attacked both the ‘ big ’ Jews who were seen as a threat to the nation 's economy and the ‘ little ’ Jews who allegedly swamped the cultural identity of localities where they settled .
18 Foreign contact was seen as a threat to political stability .
19 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
20 What from the central perspective might be seen as an instrument of public expenditure control , from the local level might be seen as a threat to the fabric of local government itself .
21 Not only is there a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts , this close connection between industry and the military is seen as a threat to the balance of the American economy .
22 From this point of view the state is not seen as a threat to freedom , but is rather regarded as a vehicle for securing broad community and individual rights against the power .
23 The Tokyo gubernatorial contest was seen as a threat to the position of Ichiro Ozawa , the LDP 's general secretary who was frequently tipped as a future Prime Minister .
24 The reduction of imports of Soviet fertilizer was also seen as a threat to grain production , one of Vietnam 's major successes in recent years .
25 An engineer may be seen as a threat to society when designing a plant which generates toxic waste , but to be protecting society if working on a flood prevention scheme .
26 The new system may be seen as a threat to status and job .
27 Against such threats the ego has many defences , such as denial , distortion , forgetting , intellectualization , projection and so on ; and thus it comes about that , in the not uncommon tendency to confuse the theory with the fact of what is repressed , psychoanalysis itself is seen as a threat to the very process of repression which it was the first to discover and is itself subjected to these defensive reactions .
28 Hobsbawm emphasised an important distinction between machine breaking where the machine itself was seen as a threat to employment , and those cases where machinery was destroyed simply as a means of putting pressure on employers in disputes unconnected with its use .
29 At first , the river is seen as a threat to Pip as Magwitch comes from it , but later when Magwitch returns to Pip in London , it is seen as a promising object , drowning the bad Compeyson , and uniting Pip and Magwitch .
30 Whereas for John the Kingdom came as a threat to a people who were unprepared , for Jesus it represented good news to those who felt unworthy or excluded .
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