Example sentences of "[verb] their lives [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To make them pure for drinking purposes is , perhaps , impossible ; but it may reasonably be hoped that they may become sufficiently so to delight the eye and to repress the pestiferous and sickening exhalations which at present affect the multitudes of our population compelled to pass their lives on the bank of such rivers .
2 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
3 FSLN leaders had been given farms and houses because , the Sandinistas argued , they had sacrificed good salaries for a decade and dedicated their lives to the defence of the country against the US-backed contra rebels .
4 She did n't find anyone very admirable , had reservations about people who devoted their lives to the care of the sick , and she did n't go ‘ Aah ’ over babies and brides or the Princess of Wales .
5 They lived their lives to The Beatles , Smokey Robinson , The Beach Boys , The Kinks .
6 The heroes come across as people who lived their lives to the full and knew how to love and laugh as well as how to fight .
7 Pictures of Lorna Lewis picnicking in pedal pushers , marrying in white and christening her baby daughters counterpointed these triumphs , and the couple , who lived their lives from the outside in , saw themselves looking happy in magazines and believed they were happy , although the combination of Hitchcock and post-natal depression persuaded Lorna to announce that she would take a year off to devote herself to her family .
8 Regrettably , too many people lose their lives in the construction industry which , as is well known , is one of the most hazardous industries .
9 As it was , some 50,000 soldiers were to lose their lives during the next few months in fruitless attacks on Chunuk Bair .
10 It 's kind of an emotional drama , two middle-aged guys driving through Texas , reliving their lives on the way to a college reunion … ’
11 She ruled their lives with a rod of iron , would not let TV be on after 10 p.m. , cancelled the daily papers , and insisted that her daughter continue to share her bedroom , while he slept alone in the spare room .
12 It is no surprise that people are prepared to risk their lives before the bulldozers .
13 Does he agree that that is a pretty poor way in which to treat people who have given their lives to the service of their country ?
14 In nineteen eighty six treat people as if their labour is worth nothing you know those men have given their lives to the quarry industry and there 's no doubt that there is money to be made from slate at the moment and people are people that have the money to invest are making a lot of money okay they 're inves they 're risking the money but er people are risking their lives as well and giving their lives .
15 But we know that people disagree to some extent about the right principles of behaviour , so we distinguish that requirement from the different ( and weaker ) requirement that they act in important matters with integrity , that is , according to convictions that inform and shape their lives as a whole , rather than capriciously or whimsically .
16 Assuming Dr Powell 's right , the people of Venice will be able to continue living their lives in the manner and surroundings which have made it one of the world 's greatest cities .
17 The students were being fed contradictory messages and did what they could to lead their lives in the best way possible , given deteriorating conditions and mounting ideological and political debates .
18 She said last night : ‘ All the night drivers put their lives on the line .
19 lengthened their lives by a burning
20 They decided , according to this writer , to bring up their babies alone because they want to be independent and manage their lives without a man .
21 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
22 The former seamen , who risked their lives against the elements and German U-boats to ferry vital supplies to northern Russia , can enjoy a berth on a luxury liner for the return trip .
23 He said all members of the Defence Forces signed an oath when they joined pledging that they would not associate with illegal organisations and this new vetting measure was an insult to those who risked their lives in the fight against terrorism .
24 This is just one of hundreds of hedgehogs who owe their lives to the Vale Wildlife Rescue Centre in Evesham .
25 These are flying beetles that begin their lives in the soil as the familiar white or cream-coloured grubs , fat from feeding on plant roots , horny headed , usually brown in colour , very slow and sluggish moving and curled rather like a large letter C. There are several kinds , from the large cock chafer to the much smaller greenish rose chafer .
26 He had them exactly where every actor who ever lived wants his public , watching his every movement , letting him dictate their lives for a little moment .
27 The gospel touched their lives at the point of loneliness , so the church opened a day care centre providing a lounge with comfortable chairs and a hot meal as an alternative to depending on the local authority ‘ meals on wheels ’ .
28 Some of those services used to build up a wonderful feeling , and now and then it would become rather emotional with the preacher calling on folk to come forward to the penitents ' bench at the front to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord .
29 It is my belief that the people who are willing to put their lives on the line , we , are patriotic .
30 If we 're only offering £10,500 a year to join the police force , for people to put their lives on the line , it not the sort of money that would attract the right people .
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