Example sentences of "[verb] been approve by [art] " in BNC.

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1 From July 22 , EC Directive 2092/91 comes into force , making it an offence to describe a wine as organic unless it has been approved by a governing body , itself approved by the EC .
2 Hence the proposal for a single-licence procedure , allowing no further challenges after a plant has been approved by the regulators and built .
3 The appointment has been approved by the Prime Minister . ’
4 The syllabus has been approved by the School Examination and Assessment Council , using the same criteria applied to any other A-level chemistry syllabus .
5 A final dividend can only be paid after it has been approved by the shareholders at a general meeting and Resolution 2 seeks such approval .
6 As the University has been approved by the Access Courses Recognition Group ( ACRG ) as an Authorised Validating Agency all these courses are nationally recognized by way of a kitemark .
7 Sit in comfort For ages six months to four years , this reclining car seat has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority for use in aircraft when fitted with a lap belt
8 The SORP , whose publication has been approved by the Accounting Standards Board , applies to financial years beginning on or after 23 December 1992 .
9 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
10 Four companies — Siemens AG , L M Ericsson Telefon AB , Alcatel NV and Northern Telecom Ltd will share a $230m project to modernise parts of Bulgaria 's telephone system : the quartet has been approved by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank ; the project is to digitise trunk and international telephone lines , as the first phase of a more thorough modernisation .
11 Except treasury bonds , no bonds may be publicly bought and sold unless the issuer has been in business for over a year , the prospectus has been appropriately published and the issue is gone through an issuing house , and the prospectus has been approved by the Authority .
12 has been approved by the Privy Council in South East Asia Fire Bricks Sdn .
13 Although Re Sigsworth was only the decision of a puisne judge it has been approved by the Court of Appeal and extended to other statutes raising a similar question .
14 The last words in the manual before the index read ( p 232 ) : ‘ By legal definition , correct first aid practice is that which has been approved by the Voluntary Aid Societies for publication in this book , where this has been used in the training of the First Aider . ’
15 TOPS has been approved by the Inland Revenue superannuation fund under the Finance Act 1970 .
16 A declaration of commerciality has been approved by the Government of Pakistan .
17 Recent changes in legislation have made it easier for local authorities to promote traffic calming schemes and a significant programme for their provision has been approved by the Regional Council .
18 A phased package of integrated measures — ‘ GREENWAYS ’ — has been approved by the Council and the Capital Plan includes financial provision for their implementation over the next 5 years and beyond .
19 no amendment shall have effect until it has been approved by the Inland Revenue .
20 It has been approved by the National Farmers Union ( NFU ) .
21 These are as follows : ( 1 ) Once a Court Scheme has been approved by the requisite majority of members and sanctioned by the court it is binding on all the members ( or the particular class of them ) and the company .
22 ( 8 ) The bidder always runs the risk that at the hearing of the petition the court will exercise its discretion not to sanction the scheme even though it has been approved by the requisite minority of members ( see para 2.4.7 below ) .
23 In practice , the court will place a great deal of reliance on the fact that the financial advisers have recommended shareholders to approve the scheme and that the scheme has been approved by the statutory majority .
24 I told him that I had another shop in Westmead which has been approved by the Ministry of Environment and the RSPCA and that this one will be run in the same way .
25 A £80,000 scheme for the play area at Homerton Road , Middlesbrough , has been approved by the council 's leisure services committee .
26 We know that there 's one gipsy site around Wheatley that has been approved by the Oxfordshire County Council and that now awaits the comment of the South Oxfordshire District Councillors .
27 Although the LDP 's overall majority in the House of Representatives ensured that the proposal would have been approved by the lower chamber , the party 's minority position in the House of Counsellors ( where it controlled 113 of the 252 seats ) made approval in the upper house unlikely .
28 The importance of the BBFC has been enhanced in recent years by local licensing requirements for sex cinemas , which generally require that all films screened shall have been approved by the BBFC in its " adult " category , and by the rule that cable television companies and video shops shall only carry films which have been granted an appropriate BBFC certificate .
29 The Butler Education Act , designed to open higher education still further to the poor and unconnected , was not post-war , having been approved by a coalition government in 1944 ; and the new novelists can not have owed their years at Oxford to R. A. Butler , since they were all undergraduates there before that year .
30 These provisions were strengthened in the 1982 Act which provided that no closed shop should be enforceable unless it had been approved by a clear majority of employees voting in a secret ballot .
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