Example sentences of "[verb] an [adv] bad [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Peter White of Midland Bank was less convinced , complaining of the failure of some large firms to adhere to a strict off-limits policy , and described an even worse practice of advancing a candidate who has undertaken to engage the headhunter involved at a later date if he or she lands the job .
2 Addressing the Supreme Soviet on Oct. 6 , Yeltsin singled out for criticism the Ministers of Foreign Economic Relations , the Economy and Industry , but gave a general endorsement of the government , saying that " under these conditions , any other government would do an even worse job " .
3 Even so , Britain has made an unusually bad fist of the regulatory structure set up under the 1986 Financial Services Act ; the outcome has been cumbersome and ineffective .
4 Less than six weeks before the start of sweeping reforms to community care in Britain the government 's policy on mental health care is getting an increasingly bad press .
5 This can , nevertheless , be decisive : the candidate with a limp , damp handshake may well create an insuperably bad impression .
6 But though he handles this well , Jordan fumbles everything else , mistiming the comedy and drawing an unbelievably bad performance out of de Niro .
7 The Ylva case has , however , set an extremely bad precedent for wolf conservation in Sweden .
8 Another hot summer will produce an even worse plague of cat fleas than last year .
9 But Strain is short of choices as the Seconds are having an even worse start to the season ; they have gone all five games of the new season without a win .
10 To achieve an export-import balance under current Tory policies would mean an even worse slump than we have at present because the only thing made in Britain under the Tories is a Tory-made recession .
11 In most cases , the author cautions , the answer is not an immediate ban on the products of child labour — that would mean an even worse fate for the children concerned — but the more difficult option of pressurizing the exploiters to improve conditions and alter policies .
12 He could not help her by attacking Havvie and creating an even worse scandal ; that would be self-indulgent , merely seeking to exorcise his own guilt for not believing her .
13 when it was envisaged as a form of national salvation ? it was conceived in compassion but has been born and bred in authoritarianism , profligacy and frustration , it aimed to liberate people from the slums but has come to represent an even worse form of bondage , it aspired to beautify the urban environment , but has been transmogrified into the epitome of ugliness .
14 The borrower might get an even worse deal if the lender also insists on selling an endowment policy of some sort to back the mortgage .
15 At the moment we are in a situation where you can get an extremely good example like the O'Reillys and you can get an extremely bad example and there is no way of regulating which you end up with .
16 No prior warning can be given to travellers as it is obvious that the public address system has been infiltrated and now issues an even worse form of gobbledygook than hitherto .
17 While Bell 's management style did tremendous damage to the society 's finances , a number of his bizarre gambits had an even worse effect on the venerable institution 's reputation .
18 Guy Burgess had an even worse time .
19 To have cancelled the conference would have created an equally bad impression .
20 Local authorities and nationalized industries have an equally bad record of neglect of the disabled .
21 They have n't stopped smiling for at least two decades , which suggests an extremely bad case of lockjaw .
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