Example sentences of "[verb] an eye out for " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise the men had passed the time reading and keeping an eye out for aircraft .
2 Even so , many an intrepid user carted one from pillar to post while keeping an eye out for a mains socket .
3 A playground supervisor is a guardian while she is on duty , acting with authority , keeping an eye out for trouble , intervening before tears or blood are shed !
4 KEEPING an eye out for crooks , it 's TV cop Jon Iles and his real-life pal Lorna Ewin .
5 I was walking around , keeping an eye out for him .
6 In practice that means keeping an eye out for leadership qualities and sometimes selecting on that basis and , at the same time , encouraging the absorption of certain leadership precepts by those who do not seem to possess them in a natural way .
7 It moves towards the acceptance of belonging at the same time to a larger enterprise which combines the strengths of sharing and collaboration and the sharpness of keeping an eye out for one 's own survival .
8 Sammy Pike reappeared and joined them and Amiss edged towards them , keeping an eye out for unwelcome observers .
9 I parked Armstrong on Soho Square and hoofed it round the corner into Dean Street , keeping an eye out for the fly-posters to see if anyone interesting was playing in the vicinity .
10 I was whistling a medley of Ellingtonia and keeping an eye out for a transport café for breakfast and feeling fairly pleased with myself .
11 Fenella retrieved her plate , keeping an eye out for the fastest claw in the East End .
12 James de Rothschild had left the ‘ Sleeping Beauty ’ panels to the Tel Aviv Museum , but Lord Rothschild , who is Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and before that , Chairman of the Trustees of the National Gallery , and who therefore has an eye out for works of art with special meaning to Britain , persuaded the Museum to cede its interest in the panels in exchange for ‘ a significant sum of money ’ .
13 Whilst sailing in surf you should always keep an eye out for these sets since if you do n't you may suddenly find yourself amongst the larger waves whose ‘ rinse cycles ’ are considerably more vigorous than that of a washing machine .
14 Birdwatchers should keep an eye out for a variety of birds including capercaillies , crested tits and crossbills .
15 I 'll keep an eye out for them and have a word with them .
16 ‘ According to this we 've to keep an eye out for anything — or anybody — suspicious .
17 Your father asked me to — to keep an eye out for you .
18 Not only do you have to keep an eye out for hidden switches to help you get across treacherous terrain but , hardest of all , you have a time limit to complete the game — exactly 60 minutes — or it 's curtains for the Prince .
19 ‘ Well , we 'll get the cars to keep an eye out for her , but I have an awful feeling in my gut that she is not coming home .
20 Petion moved down the sparsely decorated hall to keep an eye out for anyone approaching .
21 ‘ They 've promised to keep an eye out for our miscreants , ’ he told her , returning to the tiny table .
22 However , seeing as I was in Rosslare that day , it amused me to keep an eye out for the car he 'd described .
23 They 've all got to keep an eye out for her and try catch her at it but
24 We have to keep out an eye er keep an eye , I do n't want any to keep an eye out for the erm
25 Also keep an eye out for any new races we might be adding to the Series .
26 Keep an eye out for the sport simulation freaks as well , most have a strong competitive streak .
27 Keep an eye out for large swans , herons and ducks , moorhens and kingfishers .
28 Keep an eye out for tits , treecreepers and possibly woodpeckers .
29 Keep an eye out for butterflies ( 19 breeding species in the Maltese archipelago ) , bats ( 14 species recorded ) , birds ( 346 species logged , a few breeding , some wintering ) , snails , wall-lizards , a surprising variety of wild-flowers and the 15 species of trees .
30 And while you 're raking around keep an eye out for old tools .
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