Example sentences of "[verb] through the [adj] window " in BNC.

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1 Emily Grenfell clasped her hands together , sitting on the edge of her seat gazing through the small window of the coach as it rumbled along Mumbles Road in the fashionable area of Swansea .
2 Later that night Laura lay in bed , staring at the thin , shadowy shafts of moonlight filtering through the louvred window .
3 He set about struggling through the narrow window , one hand clutching the Champagne by its neck .
4 Rain was still driving through the broken window .
5 Ranulf , outside , peered through the small window , its shabby wooden shutters flung wide to let in the air and light .
6 One of the waiters peered through the wall-sized window on to the street .
7 Billie shouted through the open window .
8 She refilled the saucepan , sweat soaking her body despite the cold wind and driving rain blasting through the smashed window .
9 Rohmer looked to the storm blasting through the blown-out window .
10 I was seven and I was I went to a neighbour 's house and as it happened I was looking through the blooming window when the funeral went past so I was no better off you know .
11 Looking through the little window going like that .
12 The storm wind of the Darkfall blasted through the shattered window with a howling roar ; rain and snow gushed into the office .
13 Early morning summer light came through the barred window and lay on his uncovered back , making a checkered pattern with his freshly healed wounds .
14 The 21-year-old was spending her first night at Sussex University , near Brighton , when she was woken at about 4am by a man who turned on the bedroom light , held a knife to her throat and raped her , before escaping through the open window by which he had entered .
15 Father Gordy Carvaho is seen through the twisted window in the bell room of Kalaheo town 's Holy Cross Catholic church , which had its steeple devastated in the storms .
16 The wash boiler is on in the kitchen so you can not see through the French window for steam .
17 She let go of the cabinet , coughing in the dust of ages that appeared to be lurking behind it , and smiled back at him as the February sun shone through the small window behind her , throwing into sharp relief the patches on the wall where her predecessor had hung posters , and the ingrained dirt on the flaking paintwork round the mean , narrow , metal window .
18 Peering through the dark window , her hand cupped to the pane , she made out what looked like two rather sad and bedraggled horses standing beneath an enormous oak , heads hung low .
19 Peering through the filthy window , they saw an empty room littered with small rubble , several pieces of broken dust-covered chairs and an old table , but no sign of life .
20 Left alone at the table , with the faint shadow of daylight peering through the filthy window in the sloping roof , and with a bare bulb in the wall behind him , Greg looked at the piles of material before him , and his heart sank .
21 No doubt all three ladies will have participated in many scenes such as the one recently overheard through the open window of the commissariat .
22 She walked through the open window to the balcony .
23 ‘ She 'll be delighted to know we 've come across each other , ’ he said , speaking through the open window .
24 A ray of sunshine filtered through the dirty window , slanting across the table which had n't been scrubbed since Paddy died .
25 Staring through the streaming window , Nell gritted her teeth every time the bows pushed out over the top of a big wave , only to hang in space before dropping away into the sixty-odd feet of the following trough that seemed to her a mile deep .
26 Defries was staring through the front window .
27 I apprehended him when he was about to re-enter through the same window . ’
28 ‘ Where d' ya wan na go , bub ? ’ he called through the open window .
29 The afternoon sunlight , shining through the western window embrasure , highlighted the number of dents in the cone-shaped headgear , testifying to its effective and frequent use .
30 The sun was shining through the little window making patterns of light and shadow on the carpet and causing the polished woodwork to glow .
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