Example sentences of "[verb] from [art] same source " in BNC.

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1 Some bottled waters , costing from 200 to 1,000 times more than tap water , may even have originated from the same source .
2 This neat orderliness has been attacked by Le Page and Tabouret-Keller , who write ( 1985 : 198 ) : Such a model necessarily implies a linear sequence of varieties within " a language " , with the implication that all innovation starts from the same source and travels in the same direction ; and that innovation in phonology is paralleled by a similar sequence of innovation in different parts of the grammar and lexicon .
3 Do you find that , as Adrienne Rich wrote of Marie Curie , ‘ her wounds came from the same source as her power ? ’
4 On present policies , according to Jeremy Lawrence , we ‘ risk creating a pensioner underclass that the new private sources of income can not reach ’ ( New Society , 5 June 1987 ; the data for the last three paragraphs is drawn from the same source ) .
5 Though all are feeding from the same source , and to some degree feed on whatever is most plentiful , competition is minimized by selective feeding ; Croxall and Lishman ( 1987 ) and Prince and Morgan ( 1987 ) summarize methods of feeding respectively among penguins and petrels in southern waters .
6 Contrasted in this way it seems improbable that madness and creativity could spring from the same source .
7 I have a feeling it 's coming from the same source .
8 A single pair at nearby Westham since 1963 derived from the same source .
9 Mythic discordance is analogous to musical dissonance : in fact , the two derive from the same source and arouse the same joy .
10 Higher level reservoirs are thought to be charged from the same source by migration through faults or fault contacts .
11 In conjunction with considerable manual dexterity derived in part from the ability to oppose thumb and index finger which man shares with the gelada baboon and presumably derives from the same source ( picking up small objects of the diet ) , the adoption of an upright posture created the right conditions for the final emancipation of the hand from locomotion and set man on the path which led to the invention and use of tools and to material culture in general .
12 Within the community the question is which site will win the first , and both inside and outside there is the question of ‘ How much of my money will be sacrificed to support the CIT ? ’ — areas of science that have no immediate connection to fusion nevertheless get funded from the same sources , such as the Department of Energy .
13 ( The word booze comes from the same source . )
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