Example sentences of "[verb] at this particular [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What that shop needs at this particular moment is a salesman .
2 But we 're looking at it with hindsight , we ca n't just say that because of this this that and the other erm that pragmatism did overrule at this particular point in time .
3 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
4 And they have applied two rather unique techniques to study this question ; it 's a technique that 's er , er rather unique to Oxford , it seems that across the country , most people have looked at this particular problem of reducing the fluid in the lung .
5 Perhaps the only genuine conclusion that can be made at this particular time of flux is that arts teachers are generally receptive to the introduction of new approaches to assessing children 's work , but only if these developments can be seen to have a positive value in helping children to be more articulate about their strengths and weaknesses , and are therefore essentially formative in character .
6 I do n't know what happened at this particular gig , but I know it was his home town — it was the most important gig to David because it was in front of a home crowd .
7 I mean it 's it 's their responsibility to er prepare the local plan in the context of what the structure plan strategy as a whole is saying and I think it 's it 's necessary not to just look at this particular policy in total isolation and assume that that is going to give er what you fear to district councils the ability to nothing .
8 It was the first time I had been able to attend a pub meet at this particular hostelry , and I thought it was very nice , full of young people without being a noisy ‘ fun pub ’ .
9 They came together with control engineer Dave Smith to look at this particular problem but , as their work progressed , their recently acquired quality training made them realise that a Corrective Action Team was needed to look at the wider question .
10 Being extremely fond of naming things , especially after themselves , the sixty-man senate arrived at this particular figure without much in the way of heated debate .
11 I can remember quite vividly the old tramcars running there er day and night , with the last service leaving the outskirts of Edinburgh around about er twelve er eleven thirty and you g have about ten minutes or so to reach the depots which there were many and varied at this particular time .
12 I certainly would not say that this is what should happen at this particular time , no .
13 Just on a point of er clarification , the villages or settlements I should say , that I 've indicated on the er plan which is included within my statement , er is actually derived from the Selby rural areas local plan , which defines settlements and I believe the County Council have used a similar erm listing of erm settlements within that those two sectors for their own exercise when they looked at this particular subject er criteria .
14 At particular market in time whilst we agree as the board that we should employ someone and we intend to employ someone we just think at this particular moment in time it is very difficult for us to actually raise that sort of money on a regular basis .
15 Publishers grow thick skins against negative reviewing , but I remain puzzled at the volume of abuse directed at this particular book , by an author who has spent many years working on his subject , opening up new areas of research , and who has arguably contributed more in recent years ( viz Orwell : The War Broadcasts , Orwell : The War Commentaries and The Larger Evils ) to the study of Orwell 's work than any other scholar .
16 Indeed , international events conspired at this particular juncture to enhance the moral reputation of the USSR as the primary bulwark against oppression .
17 Er and obviously we 'll , we 'll we 'll get the response erm a a as it were but erm that 's something I could n't , I could n't answer at this particular time .
18 The workers who were fiddling at this particular factory were able to keep their self-image and conduct their working lives as good citizens ; like most unconvicted white-collar criminals they were not stigmatised .
19 Er now we we 're trying very hard I have n't I have n't managed at this particular moment to er to contact with Mary Whitehouse we erm we have n't we have n't we will try and er in it 'll it 'll probably happen you never know .
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