Example sentences of "[verb] at the kitchen [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A deeper allegiance than his love for the children of the Anglo-Irish landlord he had worked for since he was a homeless lad knocking at the kitchen door to ask for a cup of tea and an odd job .
2 On he 's , he 's instructions , on , do n't like that dam great bush being so near , he never has to stand at the kitchen sink and look out like I do this is where my , it 's funny whether the winds blowing this way or that way ,
3 He glances at the kitchen clock .
4 You will not be flirting at the kitchen door with the milkman and the coalman , and Matey will not be chasing you for doing so . ’
5 The two officers outside , having spent a great deal of time and effort befriending the young boxer dogs Lila kept to ward off unwanted guests , scratched at the kitchen door in imitation of the dogs .
6 ’ He turned at the kitchen door .
7 I have to make a phone call , but — ’ she glanced at the kitchen clock , ‘ — I think it 's a bit too early . ’
8 Laura was ironing at the kitchen table , John sitting at the other end of the table with a bottle and glass in front of him .
9 Seated at the kitchen table , he began the long , tedious task of hacksawing all but eight inches off the barrels of the President 's twelve-gauge .
10 So she hurried downstairs to fix herself some breakfast — and almost stopped in her tracks at the sight of the figure who was seated at the kitchen table .
11 Lizzy looked at the kitchen clock and squealed .
12 Look , if you must do something you can stand at the kitchen door and shout .
13 At least Dr Neil and Miss Mates were sitting ; McAllister was standing at the kitchen door , and moved sedately forward to answer the urgent bell .
14 Standing at the kitchen window , she stared out into the garden .
15 I remember standing at the kitchen window watching them outside in the snow .
16 As luck would have it , he was standing at the kitchen counter , his back to her , making himself a sandwich .
17 Slumping at the kitchen table , she stared blankly ahead of her .
18 She was struggling to cut the meat into what the book described as bite-size chunks when Edward appeared at the kitchen door .
19 The image experienced in a flash of gold , a flush of warmth to her face , was so vivid that for a second she hesitated at the kitchen door as if disorientated .
20 She had expected to find them both still in bed , and was surprised by the noises from the kitchen , but she poked her head round the door and saw Maggie sitting at the kitchen table eating Weetabix in a reassuringly healthy way .
21 Meanwhile Maggie stayed sitting at the kitchen table .
22 He was sitting at the kitchen table , wearing one of Buddie 's shirts and sipping cocoa from a large cup , when his nanny , Buddie 's mam , arrived at the house .
23 So he was sitting at the kitchen table eating his plate of beans when Donald walked in .
24 Later , while sitting at the kitchen table making a special list of people to help with Easter flowers , and a subsidiary list of those who might be approached to donate Easter lilies , Anna and her conscience had a little tussle .
25 Peter had heard all this , sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea , and a sandwich made for him by Anna to sustain him to the far side of compline .
26 Janine was now sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette .
27 They were still sitting at the kitchen table .
28 Leo was sitting at the kitchen table , his large frame almost dwarfing the little wooden chair , arms folded across his massive chest so that it pulled the material of his shirt impossibly tight .
29 The house was quiet , no sign of Matey 's bustling presence , and when she walked into the kitchen , taking off her shabby black hat , pulling the hat pins out of her abundant hair , she found Dr Neil , sitting at the kitchen table , his tea before him , quite alone .
30 Martin Bean was sitting at the kitchen table .
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