Example sentences of "[verb] at the [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 If CFC emissions continue to increase at the current rate , they would cause an extra 2C of warming over the same period .
2 If the rent under the sublease is made to increase at the same rate as the rent under the headlease , and the rent under the headlease is less than a market rent at the date of grant of the sublease , the rent under the sublease may well exceed the true market rent after the first rent review .
3 In other words , the real cost of employing labour rose at the same rate as productivity — over 3 per cent a year ( figure 8.3 ) .
4 Popular with high earners because tax relief can be claimed at the highest rate , the pension loan also allows borrowers to claim tax relief on their pension contributions .
5 It is because of this fact , that ‘ DEAC ’ the manufacturer states that if a battery is being discharged at the 110 rate you should not discharge it to a voltage of less than 1.1 volts per cell .
6 This requires that capital and labour grow at the same rate ; i.e. , and .
7 If the payout ratio is constant , then earnings , dividends and the share price all grow at the same rate g , so g in ( 6.28 ) is also equal to the rate of capital gains .
8 For example , although a curie of any radioactive element disintegrates at the same rate as I gram of natural radium ( as found in sea-water ) there is no connection between this and the relative toxicity of the element as compared to radium .
9 That the arbitrageur can lend money at the riskless rate of interest appears sensible , but it is more questionable to assume that he or she can borrow at the riskless rate ( although if the marginal arbitrageur is a large financial institution , the assumption may be reasonable ) .
10 In the USA , until 1986 , all gains and losses on futures contracts were taxed at the long-term rate of tax , while gains and losses on shares held for less than six months were taxed at the higher short-term rate .
11 Oil will be taxed at the highest rate , adding about US$3.50 to the cost of a barrel of oil , with the aim of discouraging dependence on imported oil .
12 The trustees ' expenses and proper management fees , therefore , are paid out of the income of the trust taxed at the basic rate , and no relief can be claimed by the trustees or beneficiaries in respect thereof .
13 The gain may be taxed at the basic rate of income tax therefore or at the higher rate .
14 Independent research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies , ( The structure of alcohol taxes : a hangover from the past , 1990 ) and the Henley Centre for Forecasting ( Competition between alcoholic drinks : and analysis , 1991 ) has shown that , for instance , it would be perfectly possible to sustain tax revenue by levelling down the duty on spirits and levelling up the duty on wine so that all alcohol is taxed at the same rate .
15 However , independent research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( The Structure of Alcoholic Taxes : A Hangover from the past , 1990 ) and by the Henley Centre for Forecasting ( Competition between Alcoholic Drinks : An Analysis , 1991 ) indicates that it would be perfectly possible to sustain tax revenue by levelling down the duty on spirits , and levelling up the duty on wines and beers , so that all alcoholic drinks are taxed at the same rate of duty per degree of alcohol content .
16 If he achieves his ambitious growth targets it is bound to mean more jobs although it is highly unlikely that they will grow at the same rate — ‘ but it would be fairly substantial and it would be in Glasgow ’ .
17 Official figures out yesterday indicated that British consumers saved at the lowest rate for 31 years while living standards actually declined 0.6 per cent between the first and second quarters of the year .
18 If Dreadnought went on sinking at the present rate , in ten minutes the hole would n't be above the waterline , but below .
19 Norway is a particularly interesting example where they saw a rocketing rate of smoking amongst adolescents they introduced a smoking ban , er an an advertising ban , and in fact , it 's reversed and they , they 're youngsters are not smoking at the same rate as as they were .
20 In such circumstances a subsidy granted at the per-unit rate of would lead the authority to the optimal point .
21 Turns onto headings will be made at the standard rate , but using the stop-watch , not magnetic compass .
22 The purchaser claimed under two heads , first for the capital loss and secondly for his loss of profits — the latter head being based on the difference over three years between the profits made at the machine 's actual rate of output and the higher profits which would have been made at the warranted rate of output .
23 By different processes erm but nevertheless receding at the same rate .
24 They therefore receive an imputed tax credit evaluated at the basic rate of personal tax ( currently 25 per cent ) .
25 This is because implicit in the calculation of the yield to maturity as the internal rate of return is the assumption that each coupon payment as it arises is reinvested at the internal rate of return .
26 A clock that 's going fast , looked at by someone whose mind is churning over faster by the same amount , seems to be going at the normal rate ! ’
27 Nor did the post-war trends happen at the same rate in every medium .
28 It is this age group which is now growing at the fastest rate and the support of the sometimes frail ‘ old ’ is an important policy issue .
29 Many professionals within the Lloyd 's market welcome the current crop of departures as there is an excess of financial capacity within the market at a time when business is not growing at the same rate as the available capacity .
30 A girl who is very tall for her age may fear that she will go on growing at the same rate indefinitely , while a boy who is shorter than his mates of the same age may be afraid that he will be permanently undersized .
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