Example sentences of "[verb] at the [adj] face " in BNC.

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1 In all the sign languages except Chinese Sign Language , ( tell a ) LIE was located at the lower face , with the hand moving sideways .
2 It would be surprising if Tolkien had not looked at the calm face of Tollund Man , or the hideously frightened one of ‘ Queen Gunhild ’ ( all too obviously still struggling as she was pinned down alive ) , and reflected that these were the true lineaments of his pagan ancestors .
3 Never let me have this humiliation , she thought , looking at the drowsing face .
4 She does n't deserve a life like this , thought Mrs Jones , looking at the pale face and shadowed eyes before her .
5 Delaney shook Lawton by the hand , and nodded at the other faces , regarding them levelly .
6 O K , let's look at the three faces of stress .
7 To concentrate on the barons is to stare at the public face .
8 To look at the six faces opposite was difficult .
9 If this all sounds a bit old-fashioned and too good to be true , you have only to look at the happy faces of these children who thoroughly enjoy spending their weekends mucking out , cleaning tack and grooming , while waiting their turn to ride .
10 She went home — alone — and sat in darkness staring at the blank face of the television until eleven , and then she went to bed and stared at the ceiling instead .
11 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
12 Benjamin muttered the Requiem , stared at the mottled-hued face and carefully examined the wrists of the dead man .
13 Grimma stared at the huge face .
14 I stared at the skull-like face , the hollowed cheek bones , the red hair now combed smoothly back from the forehead .
15 Bodie stood by Doyle 's bed and stared at the pale face of his friend , the eyes closed but moving restlessly beneath the lids .
16 Sister Rosario looked at the pinched face of Maura Ryan and her heart went out to the child .
17 Elliott looked at the three faces watching him .
18 She looked at the cracked face of her cheap wristwatch and swallowed nervously .
19 Trying not to scream , she sat up and , without putting on the light , looked at the illuminated face of the alarm clock .
20 Shelley looked at the happy faces of her companions , and knew they wanted to be alone , however sweet they were being .
21 All I remember thinking of as I pushed the trolley and looked at the red face and eyebrows was , My friend , you are about to take the longest journey a man ever takes in this life .
22 Blake looked at the exasperated face of the Doctor , ' … but this computer can predict what I 'm going to do .
23 Huy looked at the over-long face , the ridiculous beard , and realised with a sudden shock that the man was scared .
24 Three mutations directed at the C-helix face of the protein have also been analysed .
25 Merrill smiled at the glowing face and said , ‘ Yes , I 'd love to see it … ’
26 Her Mum smiled at the woebegone face .
27 Sipping lager , we gazed at the front-page face of a dour middle-aged nurse who had been sacked for making porno movies on hospital premises .
28 ‘ He 's wonderful , ’ he gasped , as he gazed at the little face and held each tiny hand , studying the miniature nails in wonderment .
29 Maxim stopped trying to peer at the shadowed faces in front of him and put on a pair of sunglasses .
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