Example sentences of "[verb] at a [adj] angle " in BNC.

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1 Has more yellow on bill than smaller Bewick 's Swan , reaching below nostril at an acute angle .
2 emergency lighting system redesigned to operate when immersed and tipped at a severe angle
3 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
4 When the change in angle is made smoothly , the glider will be climbing at a safe angle and will be able to recover if there is a launch failure at any point .
5 However , because of the limited scope of the Act , the east front of the India Office would only be seen at an oblique angle from the narrow King Street , and it would not have the space in front of it , as originally proposed .
6 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
7 It stuck out of a patch of sand , jutting at a steep angle , about a metre and a half of it exposed .
8 ‘ He has n't asked me … ’ she tried prevarication again , but broke off when , his jaw jutting at a tough angle , Naylor took a menacing step towards her .
9 In two species examined the crystals lie parallel to the surface and in another two they lie at a steep angle .
10 The brilliant beams of their torches were like searchlights , swinging wildly for a second , until they finally converged at the back of a container with its door ripped open and lying at a crazy angle .
11 His right arm was also lying at a funny angle and was probably dislocated or fractured .
12 And although a green glow that is weaker than it ought to be might mean that some of the cells in the area are turning malignant , it might also mean that the operator has the end of the bronchoscope too far from the target , or pointing at an awkward angle .
13 He was sprawled at an unusual angle , arms and legs stuck out in all directions .
14 Also , the needles on the needlebed ( plus their latches ) must be in good condition with the sinker posts in an upright position and not bent at a drunken angle !
15 Where possible , cut out the ends of the rotted area so that the new piece will fit at an open angle , making it much easier to fit than right-angled joints .
16 The one who had accompanied him chasing the car simply glowered in the direction it had gone , while the other one , who had n't fired a shot , writhed by the roadside , trying to clutch a leg which trailed at an unnatural angle .
17 The implement you need has an overall length of some 6 foot 6 inches ( 2 metres ) , is ash-handled and has a long , narrow spoon-shaped blade set at a slight angle to the shaft .
18 No matter whether the kite is a simple Diamond in polythene , or a commercial Flare in ripstop nylon , it pays to check that the bridle is set at a reasonable angle before we commit the kite to the air .
19 A stocky figure with a heavy serge coat and a ‘ lum ’ hat set at a jaunty angle , turned to his two companions .
20 His grey hat , which he swept off with a flourish as the ladies approached , was set at a jaunty angle .
21 Young Area Sneaker was the faithful companion of ‘ Chokee Bill ’ , himself a prototypical comic-strip crook with swag-bag and cosh , and in their weekly scrapes with the law — personified for Comic Cuts readers in the ineffectual shape of ‘ Fairyfoot the Fat Cop ’ — he was quite recognisably dressed in a budding Hooligan 's attire : bell-bottoms , flowing neck-scarf , cap set at a jaunty angle , and boots two sizes too big .
22 He was wearing an elderly white linen jacket and a blue spotted bow-tie , so that , given a boater hat set at a jaunty angle , he might indeed have looked like the late Max Beerbohm .
23 These teeth are also shorter and set at a different angle from the other teeth .
24 The church had a narthex set at an oblique angle to one of the outer octagon sides ; it is believed that this was not the original narthex , which would have directly faced the eastern apse ( 195 ) .
25 The pose had thrust his hips sideways as he leant at a slight angle and his free hand was at the level of his pelvis , thumb hooked into the waistband of his jeans , fingers doubled into a loose fist at the top of his hard , powerful thigh .
26 Behind them , the Monument leant at a crazy angle , its foundations undermined by the yawning pit beside it .
27 Its larger counterpart ( No. 3 ) lay at an oblique angle behind the buildings flanking the nearby frontages .
28 His shoulders sloped at an alarming angle so that he looked like a pyramid wearing a hat .
29 The diaphragm , I read , had to be smeared with spermicide , squeezed tight between fingers and thumb to make it narrow enough , then inserted at an implausible angle .
30 I stood at the edge of a circle of standing stones , each eight to ten foot high , with a massive central stone which leaned at a perilous angle .
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