Example sentences of "[verb] at a [adj] distance " in BNC.

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1 Herman , whom Erika had already been keeping at a safe distance from her feet , backed away .
2 You know perfectly well that your husband 's mother lives at a considerable distance , in point of fact in a suburb of Sheffield , and that she has never at any time offered to look after your children . "
3 To find it , simply follow a line from Beta through Epsilon ; Omega lies at an equal distance on the far side of Epsilon .
4 It is like viewing an Impressionist painting , where the viewer is required to stand at a certain distance before the image comes into focus ; the bigger the individual strokes of paint , the further back the viewer has to stand .
5 As for naval campaigning , much of it was done at a great distance .
6 One hastily written poem in Wordsworth 's meditative manner , ‘ Lines Written at a Small Distance from my House ’ , was delivered to Dorothy by young Basil as the Quantock spring was at last arriving :
7 In England and Wales the policy encompassed in Hospital Services for the Mentally Ill sought to overcome the problem caused by the many mental hospitals built at a considerable distance from their catchment populations by opening psychiatric units on district general hospital sites .
8 Even Ken Lomax and Ray Shepherd seemed at a vast distance from them .
9 The epitomist himself emphasizes that he is writing at a certain distance from the events because he concludes his story with the words : " From this time Jerusalem has been in the possession of the Jews . "
10 Seen at a great distance off , further than the eye can see .
11 Nonetheless , there are no grounds for imputing laxity to local officials operating at a safe distance from central supervision .
12 Pregnant women and grandmothers kept the children entertained with puppet shows at a safe distance from the tips , while others worked together to pile up , burn and bury the rubbish .
13 Franklin even added point ( excuse me ) to the argument about whether pointed or knobbed lightning rods may be preferable when he showed that blunted ones acted at a greater distance .
14 ‘ The helicopter provides a running commentary to the police control room situated in Chester , so the police cars can follow at a safe distance . ’
15 The showdown will be hosted at a respectable distance by TV weathergirl Ulrika Jonsson and soccer ace John Fashanu .
16 The first sighting of Filden I by Venturous was in a position six miles off Dunkirk from where she was shadowed at a discreet distance with radio reports of her movements being sent at regular intervals by Venturous to the shore watchers in the vicinity of North Foreland .
17 Bunny followed at a discreet distance .
18 Gustave often followed at a discreet distance .
19 The men followed at a small distance .
20 The tall slim blonde woman in the navy tailored suit walked smartly from the office , followed at a slight distance by Emily Lightbody .
21 Sarah kept out of sight , then followed at a careful distance , swinging a basket .
22 The senator fell into step beside me while some of Bonefish 's smaller children followed at a safe distance .
23 One officer came up to inquire of our purpose , while the other kept at a respectable distance hand on his holstered gun !
24 Idly she unravelled the muddle of paths , wandering past low , stunted railings , and dwarf ‘ Keep off the grass ’ signs sprouting from the balding turf ; past desolate putting greens ; past tightly-shuttered refreshment kiosks ; past the narrow lanes marked ‘ Men ’ and Women' that commenced at a modest distance from each other and wound through dark shrubbery to merge in a single , dripping tomb , divided by a wall .
25 Nash , a scrupulous and sensitive antiquarian , tells us what happened next : ‘ The body , I believe , is perfect , as it has never been opened : we thought it indelicate and indecent to uncover it ; but observing the left hand to lie at a small distance from the body , we took off the cerecloth , and found the hand and nails perfect , but of a brownish colour : the cerecloth consisted of many folds of coarse linen , dipped in wax , tar , and perhaps some gums : over this was wrapt a sheet of lead fitted exactly close to the body . ’
26 When he was speaking , the pair would stand at a respectful distance , to hear him declaim poetry or discuss painting with a breadth of knowledge .
27 It was an appointment , as William Adam pointed out , which ‘ often follows at a great distance of time after the application & entring on the list ’ .
28 Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance , watching his efforts in some awe .
29 The Tsar presides over an assembly made up predominantly of landowners , seen here standing at a respectful distance , and leading members of the Church 's hierarchy , seated at the front
30 The family watched it with their solemn , empty faces , standing at a great distance from the stage .
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