Example sentences of "[verb] at a [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 In any plausible way of forming Jupiter the hydrogen and helium are initially well mixed at a molecular level .
2 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
3 Finally , I have argued that urban sociology 's key concern is the division between everyday life being led in small-scale localities and the fact that social relations and processes are increasingly organised at a global level .
4 As social life becomes increasingly organised at a global level , the sphere of employment perhaps offers least prospect for the assertion of autonomy and personal identity .
5 In spring , either dig up the shrub and replant at a deeper level , or mound soil round its base so that only the upper half of stems is exposed .
6 This task is approached at a general level , and also by reference to specific legal concepts .
7 Cultivation extends to about 600m , ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island .
8 If the matter really can not be resolved at an informal level , then it should be formally communicated in writing to the person in charge of the activity .
9 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
10 With rents normally frozen at an obsolete level , entry fines were either certain , or , if technically arbitrary at the will of the lord , required by custom to be reasonable , which amounted to much the same thing .
11 The incumbent 's output starts at a high level and gradually declines , whilst the entrants ' output starts low and gradually increases the more it discovers about the market .
12 As Cixous suggests , the mode of knowledge as a politics of arrogation pivots at a theoretical level on the dialectic of the same and the other .
13 One notable effect the alternative social format contained lay in the assault upon the senses which occurred at a pragmatic level .
14 The result is that tasks such as redistribution , which in the fiscal federalism literature are seen as a prerogative of central government , may ( given the imperfections of the Tiebout mechanism and the informational requirements of administration ) be shown to be better pursued at a lower level of government when broader considerations are taken into account .
15 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
16 There has recently been a sharp rise of interest in artificial intelligence — very broadly the attempt to write computer programs to work at a human level of intelligence and performance in such tasks as identifying and recognising objects in cluttered environments , understanding ordinary human languages such as English , or diagnosing what is wrong in cases of human illness or machine failure .
17 Any movements of base level set the sea to work at a different level and the processes of subaerial erosion to grade to the new level .
18 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
19 If there are doubts about the search firm 's ability to work at a senior level , say to find a chief executive , the client may well invite two or three firms in to pitch competitively and see who has the best overall track record and appears most attractive and experienced to the Board .
20 Some of our SPECIALIST WEEKENDS allow you to work at an ADVANCED LEVEL .
21 Utilising at a local level the dynamic model of the building process developed at macro level by the Building and Civil Engineering Economic Development Council ( see ‘ How Flexible is Construction : a Study of Resources and Participants in the Construction Process ’ NEDC HMSO 1978 ) the research is intended to provide a detailed profile of the construction industry into the counties of West Glamorgan and Dyfed .
22 An increase in earnings will lead to a reduction in both benefit and child support and so lone mothers will tend to be trapped at a low level of income .
23 Two general reviews of the field presented at an introductory level are Bally et al.
24 Given that it is based on a model which examined variation among electoral wards within only a few regions it could be argued that it is more validly applied at a local level .
25 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
26 Rather than establishing at a strategic level housing requirements , so that local plans being formulated can weigh those housing requirements against environmental constraints .
27 It 's very interesting to note that in contemporary political philosophy there is almost no room left for democratic decision making because in most theories that we 're given , more or less everything is already decided at a constitutional level I mean think of theory of justice , it 's the theory of justice that decides the basic nature of a constitution so the role of members of a government is simply to interpret and apply the constitution so they can make the most efficient tax policies given the basic constitution , but no individual has the authority to challenge that constitution and change it by democratic means .
28 We recognise that the bulk of actual recruitment spade work will be done at a local level , but , apart from a few heroic efforts , the branches were not up to it .
29 He knew just when , and how , to tap , in order to receive at a deeper level than he gave .
30 We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain , only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels .
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