Example sentences of "[verb] at [num ord] sight [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The implications for the children 's hearing system of section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act , 1974 , appear at first sight to be far-reaching and disastrous .
2 Other works , for example Beehives , which appear at first sight to be silk screen prints are revealed as watercolours , where bleach has created a subtle monotone effect .
3 George and the twins dared not venture near it except in the broadest of daylight and even then they usually fled at first sight of it .
4 Even so , it is possible for a court to interpret a statute as covering what looks at first sight as a casus omissus if it can find or invent some plausible general principle of interpretation , an exercise that may call for a little ingenuity .
5 Here is a man who strides about purposefully , hits the ball a long long way , and looks at first sight like a competitor capable of a certain bumptiousness .
6 His infinite universe , with its infinite worlds , looks at first sight like the apotheosis of free thought — untrammeled by theological constraint .
7 Although data does not appear at first sight to be a resource of the organisation , it certainly is a resource , as data is essential for the organisation to operate effectively .
8 This confirmed an earlier decision : as a general principle , we would not try to collect only those trees that seemed at first sight to be superior .
9 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
10 Claudius made two other arrangements which seem at first sight to be highly anomalous .
11 Individual points along a spectrum , on the other hand , seem at first sight to be insufficiently distinguished from one another .
12 The religious culture of Lérins and of Faustus in particular seem at first sight to be at odds with the rhetorical culture of Sidonius 's own writings .
13 The way of life which Jesus described in the beatitudes appears at first sight to be a contradiction .
14 This order , from which our modern days of the week derive ( e.g. iii French ) , appears at first sight to be devoid of sense , since it does not accord in an obvious way with the order in which ( according to pre-Copernican cosmology ) the ‘ planets ’ were thought to lie in relation to the earth : Saturn , Jupiter , Mars , the sun , Venus , Mercury , the moon .
15 Thus , as far as the spadefoot is concerned , it is quite possible that what appears at first sight to be a random collection of toads arbitrarily mating with anything and everything is actually an ordered process .
16 The evidence from longitudinal surveys of the unemployed appears at first sight to be not wholly consistent .
17 But even this is not as extensive as it appears at first sight for , in conducting an investigation on a complaint , the Tribunal must apply ‘ the principles applicable by a court on an application for judicial review ’ .
18 Those who rebut any ideas of extraterrestrial civilizations ask what seems at first sight to be a very salient question : ‘ Where are they all ? ’
19 This behaviour seems at first sight to be the opposite of that seen during wound closure .
20 One way of approaching the non-cultural ( or non-social ) aspects of psychological theory is to start with what seems at first sight like a simple series of internal inconsistencies in Freud 's work .
21 Tank had what appeared at first sight to be good credentials , having designed the Focke Wulf 190 aircraft which had given Germany air superiority for eighteen months during the Second World War .
22 Short and plump , with receding hair and a peeved expression , Pietro looked at first sight like an English tourist who had come to complain about his belongings being stolen from his hotel room , full of righteous indignation about Italy being a den of thieves and demanding to know when the authorities proposed to do something about it .
23 It reads at first sight like a selfless Magna Carta for the wild — until you begin to glimpse ( as in that ancient charter ) the barons ' hidden agenda .
24 This particular answer might however point at first sight to a development of the common law concept of compulsion , rather than recognition of the broad principle of justice by which Woolwich contends .
25 The offer would seem at first sight to be an extremely generous one , but those who make it know it can not be accepted .
26 The intuitions most relevant to a study of meaning would seem at first sight to be intuitions about what things mean .
27 It was n't love at first sight for Monica .
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