Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] speed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first Atlantic cable operated at a speed of around 3 words/min , equating to a bandwidth of about 1.5Hz/s .
2 Find the chopping current rise and decay times for rotor positions of θ = 0° and 11.25° when the motor is ( a ) stationary and ( b ) operating at a speed of 1000 steps per second .
3 Everything was set , poised , waiting to function at the speed of light .
4 General relativity predicts that heavy objects that are moving will cause the emission of gravitational waves , ripples in the curvature of space that travel at the speed of light .
5 In Chapter 10 we discuss the prediction of the existence of gravitational waves , which are transverse and travel at the speed of light in empty space .
6 The idea was that light waves traveled at a speed of 186,000 miles a second through the ether , which meant that an observer who was at rest relative to the ether would measure the speed of light to be about 186,000 miles a second , but an observer who was moving through the ether would measure a higher or lower speed .
7 ANYONE who has watched Carol Vorderman on the quiz show Countdown will have marvelled at the speed of her mathematical brain .
8 That light travels at the speed of five times around the earth in the time it takes to say rice pudding is indeed an amazing matter .
9 Soon it was moving at the speed of a trotting horse between a high hedge on the right-hand side and a stone wall on the left .
10 Although Goblins and Squigs have different movement rates , the whole unit keeps together moving at the speed of the Goblins .
11 The mass of new , hot rock forcing its way up through the crater floor had both helped to displace the water from the crater , and heated it up to nearly boiling point , so it was a scalding torrent that flashed down the valley , travelling at a speed of something like ninety kilometres an hour .
12 Travelling at a speed of a hundred miles an hour made him worry that he would leave the safety of God 's Earth .
13 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
14 First the polarisation detectors were not far enough apart to rule out the possibility of overlapping single-particle wave functions ; and secondly the pairs of detected photons were not space-like separated — a signal travelling at the speed of light could have passed between the two sets of apparatus .
15 If the timing is right this will mean that any coordination through ‘ background effects ’ will not have sufficient time to become established even by signals travelling at the speed of light .
16 Eventually a point is reached where the signals , even travelling at the speed of light , will not have enough time to reach their destinations if the clock speed is further increased .
17 Einstein was unable to observe relativity , and was prevented from seeing the effects of travelling at the speed of light by the irritatingly inconvenient circumstance of its impossibility .
18 Seemingly always perky , the young Jane would swing at the speed of light and win everything on offer .
19 He did n't know when they 'd be back ; all he knew was that his boss had some kind of private deal going with the gang foreman of a motorway sub-contractor , and the boys always appeared without notice , worked at the speed of practised moonlighters , and probably got their money in a plain envelope passed under a pub table somewhere .
20 Written language , on the other hand , is experienced at the speed of the reader , who also controls the sequence in which words are perceived .
21 Unfortunately , the 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies , relating to the two-pole magnetising rotor fields on synchronous alternators ( running at a speed of 3,000 or 3,600 rpm ) , happen to be close to the frequency at which ions in bodies respond to , while in 50µT of the geomagnetic field .
22 As the target position is approached the stepping rate must be reduced , so th t the motor is running at a speed below the start/ top rate when the target is reached .
23 The client must proceed at the speed of the tape rather than in their own time .
24 As peregrines have been known to dive at a speed of 180 miles an hour , they hit their prey with such force that they often break its neck , and sometimes even break the head clean off .
25 ‘ Did you hear a scream ? ’ she asked dulcetly , then blinked at the speed with which he crossed the ground .
26 The trouble was , as I and several other people pointed out , the universe was expanding so fast that even if the bubbles grew at the speed of light , they would be moving away from each other and so could not join up .
27 A chariot moves at the speed of the creatures pulling it .
28 There is evidence in wheat leaves for a hydraulic signal that propagates at a speed of at least 100mms -1 from the site of wounding and is associated with electrical events recorded at the plant surface .
29 They are quite unlike radio waves since radio waves can travel in empty space and move at the speed of light ( 300 million metres per second — equivalent to approximately seven circuits of the earth in one second ) .
30 The new ‘ Teletel Vitesse Rapide ’ will operate at a speed of 9,600bps , double the present rate .
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