Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] young [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ One is looking at a young man with monstrously abnormal behaviour .
2 Tolonen turned , looking at the young officer .
3 Rooney asked , looking at the younger man .
4 Katherine nodded fractionally , and the butler bowed and moved silently from the room , not looking at the younger man .
5 When Rachel was finally writing up her reports at the end of the morning , Nina suddenly called her and asked if she could come and look at a young man who had come in with a skin rash .
6 Then they were asked to look at a young boy .
7 I turned to look at the young man beside me , his long fingered hands resting on the steering wheel .
8 The only sheep around here are the sad bastards who walk around in Man Utd shirts ( particularly the fat bastard in Wakefield who has No.7 and Cantona stencilled on the back ) who were presumably sexually abused at a young age and hence feel the need to rebel — why not go the whole hog and dress up as a woman , you would nt look half as silly .
9 Mr Berkley glanced at the young man beside him .
10 This is closely related to perceptions of life expectancy ; some people not only anticipate that they may age more quickly , but also that they may die at a younger age .
11 Zen stood staring at the younger man in considerable embarrassment .
12 It was done in an instant : the coal shovel , like a boomerang , sped at the young fellow 's head , but unlike a boomerang , it did not return .
13 If one has poor eyesight or hearing at a younger age , then an appeal against jury service is likely to be upheld .
14 He stared at the young man next to Philippa .
15 Richard Langton stared at the young girl before him .
16 Benjamin paused and we all stared at the young woman now sitting back in her chair looking up at the rafters , tapping the table top and humming a tune to herself .
17 They both stared at the young woman before them , sipping now at a brandy and port .
18 Breathing heavily Emilia stared at the younger woman as though bereft of all hope that she might be understood .
19 Had the two friends discussed her in the way men probably did when they looked at a young woman who passed them in the street ?
20 Kirov looked at the young Lieutenant who stood framed in the portal , regarding him uncertainly .
21 She looked at the young man , Clive .
22 Wycliffe looked at the young man and wondered how much longer he could carry on .
23 He looked at the young woman , noticing now how her eyes rested possessively on him , and he could n't help wondering if they were right .
24 The man looked at the young woman with strong disapproval .
25 But when there was no retort from her granddaughter , she turned her head and looked at the young woman lying with her back against the head of the couch , her eyes closed , the muscles of her jaws showing white through the skin , and , her tone changing , she enquired , ‘ What is it , dear ?
26 ( I looked at the young lad ) 'Cos my mate 's tired and I 'd like to do it .
27 Gaveston looked at the young page boy standing near him , a goblet of wine in his small white hands .
28 If we take into account the fact that women are now marrying at a younger age as well , twentieth-century families will be completed even earlier than the chart indicates .
29 In the British version , which was directed at a younger age group ( 10–12 years ) with a lower smoking prevalence , the objective was to minimise or delay uptake .
30 The bit where the rest of the family goes out and the cat is after Stuart bores Babur : he thinks it is probably directed at the younger reader .
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